I filled the bird feeders,gave them fresh water and then took my usual wander around the garden. The large planter which I took the netting off three days ago is still free from signs of cat disturbance which is good. Then things got even better,poking it's little white head above the soil is a Snowdrop,the first sign of colour and early for this far north It is only tiny, the size of the nail on my little finger but it is colour at last after a long colourless drab winter .

The last couple of days have been mild if damp but today despite the met office forecasting slightly warmer temps it is very cold in a north easterly so today I will stay cabined up. I have plenty of household chores to keep me busy, I have a load of washing in the dryer and a second load in the washing machine both buzzing away merrily. Dinner today will be roast chicken,roast potatoes and cabbage smothered in a rich onion gravy with a handful of grapes to follow,but first for lunch I am having sausage rolls drowned in tomato soup to keep the cold out. Keep safe and warm people