Today was the last Sunday shopping trip before Christmas,so are you thinking how did it go at this busy time ? Yes I thought you were. Well it was either today or tomorrow and today there was a good chance of rain but tomorrow it is a certainty so no problems choosing.

It was dry as I boarded the 10:30 bus and although blustery the rain kept off, Morrisons wasn't too busy so I picked up my pipe fodder and was off again within 10 minutes arriving at the freezer shop close on 11. This gave me 10 minutes to shop before I had to head for the bus or wait an hour for the next. I scooted round,filled 2 large bags with goodies,parted with a little shy of £24 (£10 or so more than normal) and cut through the ginnle with 2 minutes to spare before departure time.

A much easier and more peaceful day than the last two have been. I am not one for fast food but today I bought 2 chicken Kievs for dinner,all I need to do is cook some rice and the job's done. Lazy I know but hey it's Christmas week so I am indulging myself with a small dose of laziness. That's how exciting my day has been so far and long may it continue although with 2 cats likely to move into mayhem mode at anytime it is doubtful.