Last night Zazzles caused me some more work as usual. I had a 50litre bag of compost waiting to be used when I start planting my spring bulbs. The bag was laying quietly on the floor causing no trouble when Zazzles decided he needed to see what was inside. To this end he started chewing and clawing at a corner of the bag. This is how I discovered him. I had to tip the very heavy bag on end and lean it against the wall,slit the top and trowel the compost out into 4 big plastic buckets (with lids). With the bag now about half empty I folded the top over and put it in the big rectangular tub I will be using as a planter. I then put the lids on all and stacked them in the corner until needed.

This morning the weather started with rain but cleared up by 9am so I set off for mother's place. I decided to bush there and walk back as I didn't want to chance my back on the 6 mile + trip by foot. The old girl was in fine fettle,her body is a little worse for wear as expected but luckily she is as sharp as a tack mentally. After an uneventful trip home I settled down to some lunch before tackling the planter.
I placed it in the desired position out side and as it is too deep for my need layered it up with bricks and odd stones to the required height,then the rain returned so everything is on hold until tomorrow weather permitting.
Time for dinner,battered cod with home made chips,mushy peas and bread and butter. Catch up later.