Thanks for all of your kind comments during my recuperation period.
Yesterday morning there was another big improvement to my injured foot ( luckily I am a fast healer) I decided to take a full day of rest if possible which I did,together with sprays of the Radion B.This morning another big leap forward and at last I managed to get into my over bath shower although getting out again took a lot of care.
We have warnings out for very heavy rain from this afternoon and over the weekend which is a bummer just as I am getting right. Still with shopping needed and Ellen at work until 5 I had little choice but to wander over the bridge. Very carefully donning my walking trainers I caught the bus on the corner which dropped me close to Morrisons to pick up my pipe fodder. Then a slow walk to B&M broken by a rest on a bench along the way. From there the short trip to the freezer shop and a slow wander to the bus stop. I narrowly missed a bus but there was no rush so I sat and people watched and chatted to a few folk while awaiting the next ride. They run every twelve minutes so it wasn't too bad. Back home I flicked the kettle on stowed the shopping and removed the trainers. An extra squirt of the radion and that was me back in my chair with my foot raised. I felt no extra pain more like a tiredness.
I have a chicken casserole in the slow cooker so I am going to relax for a couple of hours and hope for no re-action. I should be back in full flow tomorrow hopefully and will catch up then. Have fun folks and keep dry my fellow Brits the rain is coming.

P.S I got a quick text from Jenny yesterday she is soaking up the sun and sends here regards to all. She had intended to Skype me but the normally poor signal there had become even worse.