Heavy overnight rain finally gave way to a brief spell of sunshine in late morning but the rain returned laye adternoon and it became very dark, then we had a very loud thunder storm rumble through.
Before the rain returned I managed a little walk and the cats had a good frolic in the garden,although they did manage to get wet rolling in the grass.
The high point of the day was getting my ears lowered which shows what an exciting day it's been.I had Ellen give me a convict cut because in winter my hair grows thicker and is very unruly giving me the appearance of Wurzel Gummige.He was a scarecrow come to life in a TV programme,supposedly for children but I think more adults watched it.
See how bright it was then now I need a light on to type.

The egg chasers are back in action tonight so a couple of hours watching the box for me. Tonight's match is between Bath and Gloucester ( pronounced Gloster for the sake of you over the pond ) and promises to be a rough,tough one as they are local rivals being only 25 miles apart.I expect to see plenty of blood.