I have been A.W.O.L for a while with rain wind and two back to back storms causing havoc.
After a weekend af good dry weather I started once more to beat the garden into some sort of order.
On Monday morning I mowed and strimmed the front that was fairly easy thanks to my new mower which is a step up from the old one.
In the afternoon I took a look at the back.Both sides had gone too far for the mower so I strimmed the whole of the right hand side.
On Tuesday I reaped the rewards of my hard work and a quick whizz with the mower brought the right hand side to heel.
After a lunch break a surveyed the left hand side and nearly left it until Wednesday in the hope the promised heavy rain would miss us.
In the end I bit the bullet and strimmed it. This was really more than my back wanted but today in is fine again.#
On Wednesday the threatened rain came with a vengence with large parts of thhe county suffering from floods.we didn't dodge the bullet this tim as these snaps of my back garden show.