I awoke to sunshine again another good day for the garden
I gave the front grass and cut and strim to keep on top of it ten loaned my strimmer to Amanda,she is a neighbour living oposite and has no tools since sjhe parted with the idiot she had in tow. I was only too pleased to help,she is a pleasant youg lass around my daughters age or a little youger I'd guess
This afternoon Ellen appeared bearing the gift of beer,just the ticket for sitting in the garden chewing the fat.
It was a slightly cooer day woth temps hitting 19c whereas farther south opf the couny and inland it was much warmer hitting 29c in Rochdale
The short lived spell of good weathwr is coming to a close which is no surprise to us in theia next of the woods. A cold front is sweeping in from the west and is expected to reach us late moning tomorrow and it's not much better for Wednesday,I'm glad I pit the work in on the grass