The day started dry but with a wicked easterly wind that could cut through steel,no walk today for me besides I had the kitchen to sort out.
The old washing machine was cluttering the middle of the kitchen and with a kitchen 12x9 ft and work surfaces, cooker,sink etc to either side plus a glass dining table at one end this didn't leave much room.I sought extra muscle to move the machine,it weights around 140lb and has no wheels or easy places to get a grip of it.
My favourites for helping were away for a few hours and my son and grandson as well as every other able bodied man in the neighbourhood were at work. So thinking cap on I hit on a plan. I cleared a path through the little tool/utility room to the outside door,luckily this is in a straight line with the kitchen door. Then maneuvering the machine into position I placed a plank in front of it heading outside and tipped the machine on its side. It slid gracefully along with ease coming off the end of the plank in just the right place.I tipped it upright and it is now snuggled against the wall waiting for the scrap-man to pass,he will seize it with glee and I will be rid.
I decided on coffee before starting to tidy the kitchen and as I sat reading my Google news links the phone rang. It was the suppliers of my new machine,a pleasant young man gave me a choice of any day between Tuesday and Friday for my delivery. I picked Tuesday and they will send me an Email on Monday evening with a time to within 30 minutes. I was pleased with the service finished my coffee and started on the kitchen with a spring in my step. All in all it has been a far better day than yesterday with it's little drama's as you may have read. Now all we want is for the snow to keep away. It has missed us to date,not unusual for this little corner of the country. Snow can fall 10 miles inland and we don't get so much as a flake. If it does snow this winter that will be 3 years running something I can't remember happening before.
Time for a chew and a brew,catch you later. Have Fun people