I have a son Stephen and a daughter Ellen as some of you know. Whereas Stephen is a quiet calm fella Ellen has fire in her belly. She inherits it from her mother Margaret who did not suffer fools gladly and wasn't afraid to tell them. Ellen has this same independent streak she needs nobody to fight her battles. She told me about a comical example of this today. She was on a night out with friends and told them she had given up smoking,she is 10 days into now. A male friend offered her a cigarette which she politely refused,he made the mistake of goading Ellen waving the cigarette under her nose. With this Ellen took the cigarette broke it into little pieces and dumped it in his pint of beer,that's my girl. That is one trick he won't try again.
On the weather front it has been below freezing all day after a hard overnight frost but at least it's dry. I got booted and layered up for a stroll this morning. It turned out to be a brisk mile and a half,today was no day for dawdling gazing at flora and fauna.
Have fun folks and stay warm