I am usually very active with tasks and projects going on all the time. Of late I haven't felt the need to do anything,I have a lavatory half painted and a bathroom waiting it's turn. I also have the wreck of a spare room on the horizon which is going to become a guest room.
Compared with the work I did last year on the kitchen,the little bit I did on this room this year is a pretty poor performance.
I think the reason may be the lousy wet summer I haven't been farther than 5 miles from home all year and didn't even reach the north end of the island,my favourite place in the whole world. Last year I had a break at Jenny's, trips to the Lake district,Grange,Furness Abbey, a steam gathering and loads of local hikes. The weather has been so unpredictable planning for even the next day has been impossible.
all this has meant I have spent more time at home and the weather has been so poor I haven't even had any pleasure in the garden,no nice evenings sat with a couple of friends just relaxing or just sat on a sunny day just watching birds,butterflies and and bees going about their lives.
A nice calm Autumn with crisp early mornings and the changing of the landscape can cheer me,maybe that will be the kick up the arse I need to get going again