I have a pal who used to be a fellow walker once but dodgy knees and arthritic hips put paid to his days of hiking a few years ago. I call on him when I pass his home,sometimes a few of us wrinkles gather there for a few beers and tell tales of daring do from our younger days. John has the name Old John although he is only my age he seemed to age very quickly in his 50s.
He rang me earlier and wanted to know if I could do with some company knowing I would be cabined up in this foul weather and of course I was pleased at the idea. He asked me if I had any soft drinks he we could mix with a bottle of Brandy he as bringing. I only had orange juice and a bottle of Pepsi which was free with the JD I got Ellen for her birthday. He was happy with that and 20 minutes later his daughter in law dropped him off.
We cracked a couple of beers then he decided to have a brandy which I declined. Off he wandered into the kitchen and came back with a brandy topped up with Pepsi,I pulled a face and asked him where that idea came from the answer rendered me speechless Well you can have rum and pep so why not brandy and pep? he said.It took me a few seconds to gather myself and tell him the pep in question was Peppermint cordial not Pepsi Cola. He starred at the glass and said " that must be why this tastes so F**+~in awful. Sometimes I wonder about my friends
Anyway a couple of hours and half a bottle of brandy later ,without the Pepsi,he decided it was time to go so I rang his home and asked for a lift for a drunken old fool who had started singing. A long sigh was heard down the phone and a rather tired sounding " OK Mick there soon"
So here I am all is quiet I have half a bottle of brandy his daughter in law made him leave and a full bottle of Pepsi minus one slug. I feel a brandy is in order without the Pepsi of course. Cheers John