It's just a week since I stumbled on these shores directed here by Pearl one of my oldest on line friends.
I have the beating of the site now and finding it very simple to use,I do like the little slide-show on the photos neat idea that,the photo albums haven't really took off but then again I haven't posted many of interest.I shall update them with more interesting photos as time goes by I hope.
The blogs have a good following,some of the old Multiply contacts are not reading them but I expected that. The blogs have been pretty mundane to be honest, I haven't been able to get out to anywhere interesting because of the weather and the attack on my foot by the birdbath, hopefully things will change there before the back end storms sweep the island.
We had the heaviest rainstorm I can remember clatter through yesterday and we are promised more today so I might not get far again,although at the moment things look OK,if the parcel I am expecting arrives within the next couple of hours I might venture out clutching my camera. There will be no point turning to the south of the island that is sure to be flooded after the deluge, maybe the little wild area will provide something of interest.
The parcel I am expecting is a new rechargeable electric screwdriver, I had a cheap Black and Decker which has served me well for twenty years but finally croaked it's last and went to the tool graveyard to be reborn as something else.
Time for a chew and a brew, catch you soon.
P.S. Wrong about the weather here comes the rain