After a cold blustery day yesterday today dawned nice and warm with hardly any breeze. A perfect day to get busy in the garden again.
I got rid of the remains of the decking boards into the now empty wheelie bin and started on the frame and side strips. I had 8 6ft lengths so I took my trusty handsaw and cut them into 2ft lengths, perfect for the bin. It will take two weeks to clear them but things are moving forward again. I decided on a brew and a pipe and sat for an hour soaking up some very warm rays before lunch.
After lunch I prepared three small planters for garlic bulbs. I know from my years growing veg that they take well to pot planting,I also know that the birds love the shoots when they emerge so it is important to net them. This accomplished and tools all cleaned and put away it only left my usual afternoon break with a beer and a brier full of baccy. The sun beat down and the air was still until about 4:15 then it all went sour. A cold breeze sprang up and it wasn't long before I changed out of pirate pants and sandals and back into something warmer. That afternoon ended poorly but I manged a good days work all in all.