I arrived home after an 8 hour journey very tired and with my back in pieceseven though the trip went very well. I phoned ahead from the train and got a taxi to meet me. The driver very kindly stowed my bag and took it out on arrival home.
I staggered in,dropped the bag and was immediately assaulted by Zazzles and Sooty who gave me a right regal welcome home. After finally unpeeling the cats from me I made a brew,fired up my massage chair, filled a briar and spent the next hour trying to massage the knots from my back. Ellen came home from work as I was recovering. After catching up on all the news Ellen sprung for a Fish and chip carry out and boy that hit the spot. I have lots of photos to sort and my back is still knotted so it will take me a couple of days to get back into action. Ellen sent me this photo Stephen took of Mia Lilly,I think it is a cracker