I started on my back garden this morning under a leaden grey sky with high humidity and a big threat of rain. With torrential downpours due on Sunday it was a job that needed doing. After a quick trip to town I started at around 10:30 by moving all of the planters and pots onto the path. As there were no neighbours in with the strength to help with the big green planter I moved that first on a couple of rollers. It weighs upwards of 100lb which in my younger days would have been a doddle but with my back trouble great care was needed. With them all moved I strimmed the patch and replaced them all,a little closer together to get a more block effect with the colours.
when the two planters of Fuchia bloom and there are loads of pink buds on there it should look OK

Then a rest and a coffee before strimming the edges on the large part and most of the small part where the fruit bushes are.
A long rest was needed after that,my skin was leaking and my feet were very hot and uncomfy in the toe-tectors ( a must when mowing and strimming ) Refreshed I was ready for the last leg mowing the large part and a centre strip on the smaller part ( the only bit the will take the mower )
At last I was finished and I only had the tools to clean and paths to sweep,well almost finished I noticed another crop of rhubarb was ready so I picked and trimmed that for Sue next door,I got 11 large sticks and 2 or three smaller ones so she will be happy when she returns and finds it on her doorstep.

I also noticed the gooseberries are starting to fall so I need to harvest those and the blackcurrants are ripe as well. A busy few days ahead. Back in the house at last and the first jobs were,a coffee, a bowl of warm water with Radox for my aching feet and my massage chair firing up. That is where I spent the next hour or so relaxing and smoking my favourite briar.