I had to visit my gorgeous dentist today for my 6 monthly checkup. Yuri is from Bulgaria, not quite as gorgeous as Ivan but such a sweet nature and so it's a pleasure to go and see him - this is me talking about being quite happy to visit a dentist! Anyway he said my teeth are fine and I don't need any fillings but I need to see an hygienist for the teeth to be cleaned from the odd bit of plaque. Normally this incurs a charge cos they are private but he said he'd do it for me for free, but it would mean two visits - no problem I said............ LOL So I'm back there on Friday 13th [hope that doesn't mean it's an omen] and then again on Tuesday 17th.

When I prised myself out of the surgery, it was a lovely afternoon and as I was already half way to the beah, I decided to turn left and go and see the sea...........

The tide was quite a way out which meant that the walkers and their dogs etc could enjoy the lovely flat sand and the rock pools left behind. There was quite a lot of sea spray and sea-mist around so the sea wasn't so easy to see clearly............

The odd surfer was present - but the sea was very messy so it wasn't very good for surfing.....

I also noticed that the ice-cream van had arrived and that's them until October. The ice-cream is to die for - made with Devon cream and it's gorgeous. I may have one later on when it's really warm.

A friend of mine lives in a gorgeous house, right on the top of the hill overlooking the bay - that round window is wonderful for seeing the sunset from. It's not a lucky house though - they're getting divorced after 35 years of marriage.

The weather was warm and dry - the wind was a little strong but coolish. Apparently we are to expect rain tomorrow - great. Still I'm having my groceries delivered to my home tomorrow afternoon [it's brilliant because I order on line which means it stops my back hurting when I push the trolley around and also I don't have to carry any of the bags from the car to the kitchen] a very nice man delivers it straight to the door and puts the bags on the kitchen table for me, so all I have to do is unpack and put away - bliss. So while Mandi is away, then I'll have my groceries delivered this way.

I hope everyone is having a good day and that the weather will warm up for us all soon.