Well Mandi is still in Turkey and she's applied for the residency permit and after a lot of struggling to go from one department to another with the necessary paperwork, they finally managed to get all done and notarised yesterday. So in about 2 weeks she should have her residency card and that will mean she can come and go, stay as long as she wants to etc. The relief showing on their faces was wonderful to see. Also while they had time, they've arranged for wi-fi etc to be set up in their home, so they can access the internet etc at home, rather than having to go out to the free wi-fi spots. Also they'll have so many tv channels and a telephone and also unlimited internet. Mandi's more happy about that because it means she can watch English tv programmes whenever she wants to.

This is Bodrum castle............

Again the front view of Bodrum castle. They had to pass by it several times on their journey to get the various documents.

The marina is fully stocked up and they're getting ready for the summer....

This is one of the many side streets in Bodrum.

Today however ....... they're at home and Mandi took some pictures of Yashi, where they live......

This is the gorgeous view looking towards Yashi from the shopping precinct. You can see the sea just at the base of the mountains in the back. That's where Yashi is....

The canal at Yashi - if you look at the middle of the picture - you will see the minaret of the mosque. That is just next to Mandi and Dogan's house....

A lovely spot to enjoy Turkish tea in the afternoon.......

This is the life eh - two fishermen are taking it easy while they catch their supper......

This is the gorgeous evening view from the beach looking towards Kos [a Greek island]

I can fully understand why she loves being there - she's so happy with her hubby and he just can't stop smiling. I miss her terribly but it's more important to me that she's happy even if it means I don't see her everyday - well in a way I do, cos we skype each other nearly every day.

Okay - time to go and clean out the cat litter tray and then have a go at the fish tank - they're her animals really, but left for me to sort out - LOL

Hope you all have a great week. Speak again soon