Well although the sky was undecided as to whether to be grey or blue.............

All wispy clouds and then dark grey clouds - still it was warm[ish] for November, so I decided to go out and see what late stragglers were around in the garden.

I found a few, and I mean a few, odd flowers and they were blessed with some raindrops.........

Some nasturtiums were hiding behind some of their leaves...........

The rain had been quite heavy over the last few days but I still managed to find a few flowers for my pictures........

Then I saw some tiny antirrhinums still flowering - which I thought they'd finished a few weeks ago............

Of course the purple loosestrife being wild has managed to survive and brightens part of the driveway.........

What really amazed me was the fact that a couple of the lilac trees are not only dropping their leaves all over the place, they are also starting to bud. With frost being forecast over the next week, methinks they won't last all that long.......

So rain is forecast again for tomorrow, so it'll be another day of being indoors - probably catching up on pre-recorded films we've done. Hope your weekend is going well too.