Today has been a lovely sunny day all day - but that wind was enough to freeze any poor brass monkeys' bits!!!!

As we had to register the car for disability exemption of car tax, we then proceeded to go to Northam Burrows to watch the dogs .............. the tide was fully in so no dogs [apart from one] was running around.......

Poor thing - he had his trusty old ball in his mouth, but the waves put him off going onto the beach.......

There were some die-hard surfers trying their luck with the waves - which were plentiful.....

The sound of the waves coming onto the ridge and then the water pulling back bringing the pebbles with it was lovely .....

I hope you can see the beauty of this beach from this short video...........

The sun coming out from behind the odd cloud enhanced the scene - especially with the spray/mist coming over the pebble ridge. Whilst the wind was cold, when the sun was out, it was quite warm [ish].

Well we sat there just watching the waves, the odd surfer trying to stay up, the surfer who came down the walkway all kitted up for a surf and he just stood there looking out to see - I think he realised the rip tide was strong and as the waves were coming into the pebble ridge strongly, it probably wasn't a good idea to try and get out into the water, that's the kindly way we thought of his situation, the rest of the time we were calling him a wuss............ LOL

We came home cold but it was so lovely there. Tomorrow and for the next few days, we're expecting rain and more wind, so it was a good thing for us to get out and about while we could.