Today has been a beautiful day and I was going to go out to the beach, but then I remembered that it's Friday 13th and didn't want to tempt fate, so I just walked around the garden instead and I'm so glad I did........

First though I wanted to go upstairs to see the garden from that perspective. Now Mandi's bedroom somehow seems to have a better view of the garden from there - don't know why, it just does. I just love Springtime because the garden takes on a life of its own, with blossom and colour just jumping up and displaying a colourful beauty. I opened the window with some difficulty I can tell you, but it might have been easier if I'd known that the window was locked before I started!!!! Well Boo decided to join me and just loved going onto the bay window roof and looking down...

She is like all cats - no concept of the fear of heights. I was shaking in my boots when she went out like this, because I know I couldn't move fast enough to try and stop her from falling over. Just underneath the window is a large apple tree, groaning under a fantastic layer of apple blossom and to it's rear are two or three white lilacs which is emitting beautiful scents all the time.

I just love apple blossom with it's deep pink to almost white variations. Yet again the blossom was also sending out wonderul aromas......

To the right of the white lilacs is a lovely laburnham tree with gorgeous yellow rain starting to appear..

It's just starting to blossom so in about a week's time it'll be a wonderful sight.

Next to it is one of the pale lilac trees which are dotted all over the place......there are so many pale lilac trees all up the driveway and have even decided to spring up down the garden recently...........

I was really chuffed with myself for getting up the stairs, I even walked up them [well most of them] instead of crawling so I am getting better and better every day. I even walk down the stairs now as I feel better doing it like that than risking turning round to crawl down them. I'm terrified I'll fall because I'm still rather wobbly on my legs.

I went outside into the wonderfully warm day.............. and saw that my neighbour's honeysuckle had just started to grow the flowers - so hopefully tonight the scent will be fantastic if I open the back door and let it permeate the house....

My petunias are starting to flower now, obviously the miracle grow I put in the compost has started to work.......

Pippin followed me outside - well Boo came too, but she soon decided that her black fur was holding the heat in, and she was hot enough already, so she went indoors early. Meanwhile Pippin laid down on the grass.....

Then he went onto the bench and posed a sorry sight for just a minute......

The sat up when I called him........

The aqualegia is springing up all over the place - as far as wild flowers go, I'm so pleased that I've got this gorgeous flower gracing my garden. There are some white ones but the main colour is dark purple, but the deep pink is coming in a close second.....

The white lilac is just gorgeous and the smell is just amazing.....

Sorry to have gone on a lot with my flowers, but Spring has at long last come to my neck of the woods and after a long time of rubbish weather and nothing here worth photographing, I'm just going wild.

Have a wonderful weekend folks, with a bit of luck and weather holding, I might just go out and take some more pictures. Poor you LOL