Well I'm still in the land of the living, I hasten to add, and feeling so much better. I'm afraid I'm still impatient with the slow pace of recovery. I am well aware that I was very ill and that I have to take things slowly, but the speed of "slowly" hasn't quite computed!!!

On Good Friday it was a glorious day - it was fresh but sunny and after the wet and windy winter we've had, to be able to sit out in the fresh air was extremely tempting. So I got my stick and camera and proceeded to walk round the house and onto the front lawn! I'm so glad that there is a plastic garden chair there as well as a wooden bench! Both were needed.

There are quite a few primroses growing in the lawn and I just had to photograph them.......

As you can see, some of the primroses look a little worse for wear, those are in the driveway and with loads of cars coming and going {carer's cars} it's no wonder really.

There is virtually a carpet of celandines in the driveway too, a lovely splash of yellow and also l noticed the bluebells are starting to flower..

l thought I'd go round to the lawn and see what was happening there, it was lovely and warm in the sun, l soon realised that l'd probably done more than l should have and was very grateful when my neighbour, Yvonne, came up and helped me back to the lounge!!!! l know that l must take things easy but l'll never know what l can and can't do without trying it out first, right? I now have a rough idea of my limitations...

On my way back to the lounge, on one of the occasions where l sat down for a couple of minutes, l noticed some lovely tulips sarting to flower.......

and a lonely daffodil was leaning on the bench - poor thing.

Well the cats are certainly taking advantage of me being limited to living downstairs, Boo spends as much time as she can lying on the bed in the sun.....

While Pippin enjoyed escorting me outside so he could explore the garden.....

He looks so gorgeous in the sun - both cats have stayed by my side ever since l first became ill - wonderful companions.

I've spoken to my son nearly every day and skype my daughter every day too. Mandi has been taking lots of pictures so l can keep up to date with what she's doing in Turkey. l'll show you all some she's sent me at a later date, but l especially like this one she took the other day....

Obviously the weather is warmer and sunnier than here in the UK, so her flowers are more advanced than here.

Well this is longer than I meant to do. Sorry about that - it'll be a while before l'm on here every day but l'm building up to it. Hope you all had a great Easter time. xx