Sorry I haven't been able to be on here much lately but the Internet has been playing up and it's just reappeared a moment ago. So I will be as quick as possible just in case it goes again!

Well the weather has been glorious - perfect temps for me. Hot enough to get a tan but not too hot to be uncomfortable. I'm taking things slowly because the journey here knocked me for six and I needed to get over that. Tomorrow is another day for the beach. You can see why I love it here....

The sea is so warm and it was glorious just to get into it and relax, then to lie down on the sunbed in the sun...... heaven!

This is the quiet road where Mandi lives.

We went shopping in the village and it was lovely and quiet again - now it's virtually down to the residents. While Mandi had to pop over to the pharmacy, I took some photos of the little square...

As you can see, it's a lovely little place and there are some cafes around but we were going shopping and not sitting around, that might be next week.

Ortakent is in a valley, surrounded by large mountains. This is one of the views of the valley.

We were waiting for the bus to go back home. It's funny but I do feel so at home here and the welcome I got from so many people when I arrived was wonderful.

Oh well, I do hope the Internet lasts for a while longer. I will write as and when I can. Speak later.