Just bought my first Christmas present.. Yes this is truly early for me and for most. But this year starting in November we will be living on just my income and our savings. We aren't eligible for Ricks pension for a few more years. So I want to get some things bought and put away before money gets a little tight. Not that it will be a problem. We will be doing a sort of reverse savings. We put money away the last couple of years just for this. Enough till the pension etc kicks in. But I am truly a bit of a scrooge in a way.. I hate taking out of the bank once I've put it in! I know,silly woman.. After all, that's what it's for. But I guess because there wasn't much growing up after my dad died (I was 6) I've got a bit of an issue in that regard. Funny because my sister is just the opposite. She loves to spend.. But she was 16 when my father passed and already a bit spoiled. She's who the first Christmas gift is. She already let me know what she wanted.. Well, that does make it easier for me.. And sometimes she gets me nice gifts.. Last year I got several books. But some years she just gets silly things. Like once she bought me a pajama top but no bottom. Pink fleece.. She thought it was a blouse.. Lol!
I really don't care.. It's for the fun of it more than anything! Anyone else start to think of the holidays yet? While we still are sitting on the beach????