goandgo's favorite articles

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  • Bottleneck - Estrangulamento

    Wtiting flows slower and slower through the bottlenecks of my atheresclerosis one of these days nor the "h" of my ashes has any use A escrita flui cada vez mais lenta pelos estrangulamentos de minha ateroesclerose um dia destes nem o ponto no "i" de minhas cinzas se aproveita by Armando TABORDA, 2019 (photo taken from Internet - publshed under the fair use doctrine for noncommercial cultural purposes) (post 1st edition, 2019; 2nd edition, 2024)

  • Arizona

    Ostentatiously I Confront The God That Will Annul Me
    I concentrate myself in love with the flat and dry Arizona's land of far away mountains beautifully dignified by the generous American sun illuminating my endless landscape my circumstantial mistress. Here I save and dissolve the all-nothing that boils me and irradiates a strange energy maybe generator of the same silence that lead God to create the world. Ostentatiously I confront the God that will annul me gratuitously by a serene evening…

  • Insomnia - Insónia

    He came at last from insomnia and stomach heartburn wasn't foreseen he was a dream to dream forget and fall asleep. Por último veio era de insónia e azia no estômago nada faria prever que fosse um sonho para sonhar esquecer e adormecer. by Armando TABORDA, i n "PALAVRAS, MÚSICAS E BLASFÉMIAS QUE ENVELHEÇO NA CIDADE", Ulmeiro Editores, 1996 (post 1st edition, 2011; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2019; 4th editi…

  • Procès du « Cuba Libre » à Rouen

    Quatre ans d’emprisonnement. C’est la peine requise par le Procureur de la République de Rouen à l’issue de 8 jours de débats, à l’encontre des deux gérants du bar le « Cuba Libre ». Dans la nuit du 5 au 6 août 2016, un incendie s’était déclaré dans l’établissement, faisant 20 victimes, dont 14 morts. Le jugement a été mis en délibéré et sera rendu le 22 octobre 2019. Les prévenus encourent une peine maximale de 5 ans.

  • My Dream of Crystal - Meu Sonho de Cristal

    Frédéric Chopin
    Since fifty years now my night is flooded by Frédéric Chopin music I think there was little change in my condition my pores become thick of emotion this damned absolute beauty so close to be met as before I feel life is better than spilled anguish in cascade of sounds petrified but unintentionally I am tempted to forget my dream of crystal. Como há cinquenta anos atrás inundo minha noite com música de Frédéric Chopin e penso que minha condição pouco mudo…

  • Sea - Mar

    VIOLA DELTA, Volume XL, Mic Editors & Authors, June, 2005
    SEA I feel the sea weight in every hidden crying algae roll round legs of all paths my eyes blink iodine's rumours promise of beach so that all sea can be seen in the distance weightless on its bed. (to read the original Portuguese version please click on the figure) (text illustrated by Fernando Grade) www.ipernity.com/…

  • Anywhere - Em Qualquer Lugar

    Lost Time (illustration)
    I stay here for a short time may it be so time is pressing my will to be lost here there over there infinitely anywhere. (to read the original Portuguese version please click on the figure) www.ipernity.com/blog/armando.taborda/98691 by Armando TABORDA, in "SINFONIA EM DOR MENOR", Edição Escola de Mar, 2007 (post 1st edition, 2009; 2nd edition, 2017;…

  • Republic Avenue, II - Avenida da República, II

    POETÂNEA 5, Edition by the Authors, 2006 September
    Avenida da República, II The noises repeat themselves in the avenue and also the light as yesterday the traffic's death rattle in the lane the steps' drag on the sidewalk the talks' murmur at the outdoor coffee shop the exposed navels over slipped trousers of fat girls the works on the underground the blind persons with offensive moneyboxes the empty offices before the lunch…

  • Smoke - Fumo

    Madeira Island (2)
    Smoke of fogs at the island steaming on the grey ocean now green under a sun of fire smoking on waters I think seated on the island that wakes up far away murmurs. Fumo de névoas na ilha que fumega no oceano cinzento verde agora sob o sol…

  • Toxins - Toxinas

    Lisboa, Park of Monsanto, body maintenance circuit
    Fresh air cleans my toxins and conscience at run rhythm under the puff of each expiration the weight of all banquets and whiskeys is inexorable in the Park of Monsanto sweat glides from my face to the shadows' path where the body wriggles by the souls' gallop. O ar puro limpa-me as toxinas e a consciência ao ritmo da corrida no b…

  • Endless traveling - Viagem infinita

    The Son of God (painting)
    by João Silva (represented at Art Gallery / Espaço AmArte), oil on canvas Time of evolution is not yet coming Man continues to exhaust the cosmos till Himself becomes a dead spaceship endlessly traveling towards God. /// Não é chegado o tempo da evolução o Homem fica a exaurir o cosmos até que se transforme em aeronave morta em viagem infinita para Deus. by Armando TABORDA, in "Palavras, Músicas e Blasfémias que Envelheço…

  • Liquid Stars - Estrelas Líquidas

    Algarve, Praia Boca do Rio (2)
    I love the stones on the brook bed they are clean sins shining in the stream they are dived liquid stars sun-shinning water projects them right now against our look and there they are washed exactly in the same position making fun of us. Gosto das pedras no leito da ribeira são pecados limpos brilham na corrente…

  • Alone - Só

    Armando Taborda (painting)
    A grey aura around the eyes crowns my insomnia I get out from bed. Alone. I hesitate upon the matter I am and quest my remains to explain my nights astonishment. So far I'm looking for the first smile on the next day and all other smiles in a grimace frieze engraved in stone. From me to the posterity I bequeath a portrait of thin lips rough at my mouth perimeter and another tension the photographic…

  • Blood Cells - Glóbulos Vermelhos

    Blood Cells
    I like the blue phase of the white nights while red alive blood cells are floating in the aqueous dream's gray against the darkest background of blindly clenched eyes. Gosto da fase azul das noites em branco quando no cinzento aquoso do sonho flutuam glóbulos de sangue vermelho vivo contra o fundo dos olhos cegamente cerrados de negro intenso. by Armando TABORDA, 2014 (post 1st edtion, 2015; 2nd edition, 2017; 3rd edition, 2019; 4th edition, 2022)

  • Invisible Light - Luz Invisível

    Amarante, River Tâmega (4)
    Invisible light can be seen on trees clothes bodies and other shapes like this on the wave oscillation that spreads it. Invisível luz vê-se nas árvores roupas corpos e outras formas assim na oscilação da onda que a propaga. by Armando TABORDA, 2009 (post 1st edition, 2010; 2nd edition, 2019;…

  • Solitude - Solidão

    Wake Up By Dawn
    You that feel solitude as belonging only to you let the time goes by cause there are more persons who love non-existent silences dawns slow coming to whom don't want wake up thoughts that stay by night alone without moonlight and there also are more persons who want to realize moments desire of fresh water manure' smell in the fields. You that feel solitude as belonging only to you let the stream flow wake up by dawn your thoughts are poems in our nights alone without moonlight.…

  • Brief writing - Escrita breve

    Brief Writing (illustration)
    Brief writing synthesis of the life complex romance insomnia formula night by night repeated plea by intention of the next morning at the blue and sun washed windows light growing moderate joy poem that glorifies the day uncertainty. Escrita breve síntese do complexo romance da vida fórmula da insónia noite a noite repetida súplica pela intenção da manhã seguinte nas janelas lavadas de azul e sol luz que cresce alegria comedida poe…

  • My Body / My Room - Meu Corpo / Meu Quarto

    VIOLA DELTA, Volume XXXVII, Mic Editors & Authors, June, 2004
    MY BODY In the body the soul dances and in the soul the body falls asleep tired of so much movement without meaning. (to read the original Portuguese version please click on the figure) MY ROOM Time goes by. I desire a new impulse in the writing'…

  • Nightfall Rumble - Rumor da Tarde

    Benfica, happy hour
    Nightfall rumble imprecation to the sun solidity in the water's penury remains of useless prayer in the soul's disquiet dodecaphonic symphony at the homecoming. Rumor da tarde imprecação à solidez do sol na penúria de água despojo de oração inútil na inquietude da alma sinfonia dodecafónica no regresso a casa. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVR…

  • Home - Minha Casa

    VIOLA DELTA, Volume XXXVII, Mic Editors & Authors, June, 2004
    HOME In the afternoon I worry about the nightfall and ask to myself What have I done? Invisible dust moves around and covers furniture and other beds ground carpet mosaic thought somewhere strained by a beam of light dust becomes a whirl of visible particles flying again without d…

152 articles in total