Janet Brien's favorite articles
1 - 10 project ...... 4
The 1 - 10 project - number 2
Nearly time for the last waltz
I could hear the fat lady warming up to sing so time for one last photo trip.Here are the last set of photos from Devon fittingly taken beside the river with a few boats around. The place is called Limer's Lane. You can see why in a couple of the photos of a lime kiln.The first is a close up the second showing the house it is attached to as well. My photos are very similar to Jenny's of course because it is only a small place. A very peaceful spot and a lovely place to set up home. That was th…
My First Year as an Ipernity Club Member
As I head out to China, a few quick thoughts on my first year at Ipernity. Yes, it has been a year since I joined the Ipernity Club. Time seems to have passed so quickly that it is difficult to believe that it actually has been a year. Overall, my experience has been a rewarding one. The combination of an evolving and dynamic community of photographers and a responsive Ipernity team have created an environment that is conducive to personal growth as a photographer, building and sustaining rel…
Ipernity: Photo Hosting or More?
At one of the Ipernity groups, a somewhat lively debate has developed. How it will evolve remains to be seen. On one side of the discussion is the notion that people’s commenting on others’ photos is excessive and essentially not very constructive. There is also the complaint that some of the photos receiving comments are “far-from-perfect.” Of course, if perfection is truly the standard required for one to express appreciation for another’s works, there is probably no danger that people wi…
Der Riesling ist reif. Das bedeutet Federweißer und Zwiebelkuchen und dass der Sommer nun wirklich vorbei ist. Die romantische Vorstellung von der Weinlese kann ich aber nur bedingt unterschreiben. Es ist zwar toll bei Sonnenschein gemeinsam in der Steillage zu stehen und mit den Mitlesern zu plaudern, aber meistens ist es morgens neblig, nass und kalt. Die Trauben kleben, die Hände werden nass und frieren und der Rücken beginnt nach spätestens zwei Stunden extrem zu schmerzen. Da fotografier…
Parnassius apollo vinningensis (Moselapollo)
Parnassius apollo vinningensis (Moselapollo) Stichel 1899, Deutschland. Die Unterart ist nach dem Weinort Winningen benannt und kommt im unteren Moseltal von Güls bei Koblenz bis Traben-Trarbach vor. Sie unterscheidet sich deutlich von P. apollo meridionalis in den Vogesen. Der Falter ist kreideweiß und hat häufig in der Wurzelbestäubung außerhalb der Zelle einen weißen Fleck. Ein besonderes Merkmal sind die nierenförmigen unteren Ozellen. Die Nahrungspflanze Sedum album wächst hier an den nat…
Paying the Price
I've reached that certain age when certain little things peeve me. My wife (bless her) tells me that it's the Age of the Grumpy Old Man. I thought you might like to hear one of those things. I’m in the newsagents. I’ve bought a daily paper. I take it to the cash desk to pay. Where there is a long queue of people waiting to pay for their goods. I join the queue. At the front is a lady clutching two items. The cashier takes them and rings up the prices. “That’ll be £1.54 please” s…
All Change
In my humble opinion, Flickr was in need of a change. It was creaking at the seams, getting ever slower and frequently misbehaving. To be honest, I had also gone stale, posting less and less and just going through the motions. So, Flickr, or more correctly Yahoo, made sweeping changes. Unfortunately, when it was released, it was full of bugs, ran even slower, looked awful and denied photographers any choice as to how their images were displayed. True, there was far more space available fo…
Please stand by, Flickr transfer in progress...
It will take a bit of time to organize my albums, but I will be relieved to see the process completed. Thank you for your patience while I sort through the chaos.
Still having congestion problems today
**EDIT: problems should be solved now ( learn more ) Hello Flickr Friends, There are so many of you today wanting at the same time to move to ipernity, import your thousands of photos and organise them. The problems that you may encounter (the site being slower than usual, impossible to create albums, adding photos to groups etc.) are due to this exceptional situation. In general the actions you have requested do not take effect immediately but a few minutes later. We are do…
Welcome, Flickr friends!
Dear Flickr friends, Many of you have recently decided to sign-up to ipernity. We'd like to thank you for choosing us to host and share your photos in their maximum quality. Concerning the need to transfer your photos onto ipernity. We offer scripts that enable you to import your photos from your Flickr account to your ipernity account. Scripts will be improved within the next few days. Please go to this page for further information . This page is also accessible from the uplo…
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