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Publication date  /  2016   -   8 articles

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  • Another Year

    - 01 Jan 2016 - 4 comments
    Well, that’s another year over with. In the past, I’ve often been glad to see the back of a year but this past one wasn’t so bad at all. The Cabin Boy and I have our health, the Ship’s Dog has been good, mostly, and the Ship has been running relatively

  • Brief Respite

    - 06 Jan 2016 - 6 comments
    Today we’ve had a brief respite from the rain and even had a little watery sunshine. It’s set to rain again this evening, though Thursday is forecast to be a dry day which will make a nice change. I read that in the UK we’ve had the wettest winter since

  • Food Intolerance

    - 18 Jan 2016 - 6 comments
    Okay, that’s a slightly misleading title and could just as easily have been called Sins of the parent (Father). My son doesn’t have any food intolerances, thankfully, however he’s often intolerant of his food. He is so fussy regarding bacon that I now

  • How we Laugh

    - 28 Jan 2016 - 6 comments
    Wednesday it was all hands on deck for another influx of hopeful pirate wannabes. The ship was being battered and soaked as I dropped off the Cabin Boy after first trying to stem a leak from the back door of the ship. I’m not kidding, the wind was so

  • A narrow Escape

    - 01 Feb 2016 - 5 comments
    Recently I’ve had a narrow escape, or two. The first was when I was out in the car and taking the Cabin Boy to college. I was firmly on my side of the road and travelling within the speed limit of 30 miles an hour when a huge van came at me at speed, well

  • Wildest Dreams

    - 11 Feb 2016 - 11 comments
    This morning I arrived in work, at the correct start time, to find I was yet again, the only one here. I picked up a fire extinguisher from the hallway and smashed through the glass pane into my room. It’s always too hot in my office so this will let some

  • Mixing it Up

    - 18 Feb 2016 - 5 comments
    On Wednesday I set out in the lifeboat to visit the Patriarch (stepdad) who is landlocked in a hospital bed following the discovery of a massive aortic abdominal aneurysm. We spent a couple of hours just chatting and eating cake and drinking coffee and

  • I'm Rich!

    - 26 Feb 2016 - 8 comments
    Rich I tell you! For years I’ve been sailing the seven seas (what does that actually mean?) looting and pillaging trying to make my fortune. I’ve seen off other pirates and landlubbers alike, dug for buried treasure on lonely tropical islands, made scurvy