Streetsinger Lou Bandy (Lodewijk Dieben) sings the Dutch military tune "Wie Heeft Er Suiker In De Erwtensoep Gedaan" (Jack Van Tol - Lou Bandy), English translation "Who Has Done Sugar In The Pea Soup". This 1937 vinyl release has a chorus that will remind you of the upcoming Beatles song.

The Beatles 1966 LP "Revolver" has Ringo Starr singing lead on the Billboard number two hit "Yellow Submarine" (Lennon - McCartney). Apparently Donovan (Leitch) helped with the lyric. Background vocals were supplied by Marianne Faithfull, Brian Jones and Patti Boyd. Other suggested album titles included "Beatles On Safari", "Abracadabra", "Freewheelin' Beatles", "Magic Circle", "Bubble and Squeak", "After Geography", "Pendulum" and "Four Sides To The Circle".