In 1957 Grammy nominated Dallas Frazier wrote "Alley Oop" based on the comic strip of that era. Dallas left entertainment for the ministry.

Gary Paxton and Kim Fowley co-produced the studio band The Hollywood Argyles "Alley Oop" which topped the charts in 1960. Producer Gary Paxton was Flip of "Skip and Flip" fame and also sang lead on Alley Oop. Wikipedia note from Gary Paxton: "There were NO Hollywood Argyles at the very beginning. I was the only lead singer. Kim Fowley helped me produce it, because we were partners in Maverick Music International/BMI at the time ... The drummer was Ronnie Silico (Lloyd Price's road drummer). The piano player was Gaynel Hodge of the Penguins. The bass player was Harper Cosby, a jazz bassist in L.A. Sandy Nelson (of "Teenbeat" fame) played the garbage can and screamed on the record. The background singers were: Dallas Frazier...Buddy Mize, Scotty Turner, Diane ?? (A friend I knew), and [myself]. It was recorded at American Recorders, next door to Lawrence Welk's Palladium, and across from the Moulin Rouge on Sunset Blvd. near Sunset and Vine Street. A little bitty street (Argyle Street) was next door to the studio, so I said, 'Let's call ourselves The Hollywood Argyles"