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Publication date / 2008 - 12 articles
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So much still to do....
- 30 Jan 2008A very belated Happy New Year to everyone. I have to apologize for my very-slow return to photography. I've had a tremendous amount to do with my "real" job, i.e., the one that actually makes me money, as well as with my ongoing 3D modelling
Sorry for my inactivity's an update! :-)
- 21 Mar has often been the case lately, I don't have much in the way of news, but enough has happened that I should at least write an update. First of all, on the positive side, one of my photos on Flickr:
The incredible disappearing...then reappearing website.
- 29 Mar 2008Well, Volny shut down my whole account today, and I have no idea why. They didn't give any explanation, they just did it, so my personal website has been moved to Tripod, but on the same URL as before. The site now doesn't look so great with all the ads
Hmm....extra photos.
- 02 May 2008Yep, that's right. Having intended to finally get back to uploading the photos from my November Josefuv Dul trip, I actually found out that I had another roll of shots from BEFORE the trip. Therefore, today, after a week or two of preparation and simple
Stop the Orphan Works Bill (House Bill 5889)!!!!
- 27 Sep 2008I'm not a lawyer,'s an explanation for why all photographers, especially poor photographers like us, should be against this bill: sig.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
"The Devil's Own Day," with some anti-Orphan Works Bill links...
- 29 Sep 2008This is actually not my writing, but a form letter sent out by the Illustrator's Partnership addressed to all those who oppose the Orphan Works bill. In any case, here it is, as written... Subject: Update concerning the passage of s.2913 from the
Stupid Rich Text (but with a link...)
- 30 Sep 2008Okay, first of all, iPernity has effectively disabled my blog by installing a rich text feature that doesn't work, then refusing to provide a simpletext alternative. Therefore, I had to initially write this blog in the comments box...and then I tried the
Orphan Works Clarification for the Flickrites...
- 01 Oct 2008Okay, in response to at least one person on Flickr who pointed out that the Orphan Works Bill does not explicitly set up a copyright database, I should clarify why the register will still be an inevitability under this legislation. I think the source of
Another Orphan Works Discussion, longer than before...
- 01 Oct 2008Here's the link everyone.... ml?tid=30849 Nag Congress if you want to keep your copyrights!!!
Google now want your work, but they don't want to pay. Read on....
- 01 Oct 2008Below is another mail from the Illustrators' Parnership buuutt......first I should mention a few additional things. Google may indeed be compiling genuine Orphan Works, as what they want to do is create a giant archive of public-domain material. The
ACT NOW!!! The House could vote on the Orphan Works Bill TONIGHT!!!
- 03 Oct 2008This was forwarded to me.... Hi Everyone, Bad news… Conyers, Berman and the House leadership are in active discussions to pass the House bill NOW. We had a scare earlier tonight when we thought that the bill would be put on the suspension calendar this
Fliers to stop the Orphan Works Bill...
- 07 Oct 2008I was sent the following this morning, but in spite of its optimistic tone, note that the more important thing is that it includes a link to fliers to distribute against the next vote, as the bill isn't dead yet. So, in any case, here's the email I was
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