niraK68's groups

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Public groups in which niraK68 is a member

  • Bilderdomino - Photo Domino

    Bilderdomino - Photo Domino

    Created 8 years ago

    Rules ☝ There are always 2 photos strung together. Each participant loads TWO (2) images paired up at the time . The first corresponds to the previous topic. (For example architecture follows architecture). The next (second) photo then defines a new topic. Within a day (24 hours) two pairs of images can be inserted in maximum. However, there must be at least ONE (1) other participant between your two series !!!

  • Macrophotography insects and other animals

    Macrophotography insects and other animals

    Created 13 years ago

    here put your best pictures of animals and insects in a wide plan and make us stund by your picts

  • " ART - 1A - Macro und Nahaufnahmen "

    " ART - 1A - Macro und Nahaufnahmen "

    Created 9 years ago Découvrir toute la diversité de la photographie Macro . Die gesamte Vielfalt der Makroaufnahmen entdecken. Explore the whole range of macro shooting. Esplora l'intera gamma di riprese macro.

  • Selfies


    Created 3 years ago

    In dieser Gruppe möchte ich mehr von Euch sehen:) Selfies haben Charme, Witz und sind oft fantasievoll aufgenommen. Solltet Ihr kein Selfie hochladen, darf es trotzdem bleiben...ich bin kein Rausschmeißer! Also her mit Fotos von Euch, die Ihr selbst gemacht habt...egal ob mit dem Smartphone oder mit der Kamera. Bitte nur seriöse Fotos einstellen...unanständige Fotos möcht ich hier nicht sehen:))) In this group I want to see more of you :) Photos you took of yourself ... whether with your smar…

  • Hamburg Altona (districts Altona Altstadt and Altona Nord)

    Hamburg Altona (districts Altona Altstadt and Altona Nord)

    Created 16 years ago

    Photos from the Hamburg districts Altona Altstadt and Altona Nord . Further groups with reference to Hamburg can be found in the description of the group Hamburg .

  • IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    Created 3 years ago

    Group objective: The intention is to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a ‚best-of‘ group. ● Only group members can make proposals. ● Proposals must fulfil the group objective and be technically flawless. ● 1 proposal per week is possible. ● An editorial team decides on the acceptance. ● Max. 1 image per member + month will be accepted. Note: The limit only applies t…

  • Der ROTE Punkt - the RED point

    Der ROTE Punkt - the RED point

    Created 9 years ago

    Der Rote Punkt - the Red point soll ein Blickfang, ein Hingucker, ein Eyecatcher sein. Keine Roten Blumen mehr!! Kein Mohn oder Geranien u.s.w. The Red point should be a view point, an eye catcher, a red spot. No more Red flowers !!!

  • Japan


    Created 16 years ago

    This is a group with pictures from Japan :) Please post a photo which express Japanese image, history, culture. Before posting, not to forget which is the best for you as "today's work". Also Do not contribute any posts to advertise his/her works (for selling ) or post against moral related violent,cult thought, political activity, religious activity. Thank you! ここは日本で撮った、日本らしさがよく表現されている写真を取り上げているグループです。日本らしさが出ていればどの写真をアップしていただいてもよいのですが、せっかくですから今日のこれイチバン!をアップしましょう。 (^^)/ 撮った場所やその写真に関連するタグ、そして…

  • fleur - ADMIN WANTED

    fleur - ADMIN WANTED

    Created 11 years ago

    donner des couleurs aux photos grâce aux fleurs!!

  • HFW--Happy-Flexy-Wednesdy


    Created 3 years ago

    Allle water opppervlakten--dus rivieren-beken-plassen-vijvers-zee- etc etc ALLEEN WATER !

  • architecture


    Created 16 years ago

    > > > architecture > > > architektur > > > arquitectura > > >

  • CWP - Contest Without Prize

    CWP - Contest Without Prize

    Created 9 years ago

    The idea is to add one or two photos each month (from the 1st to 16th) on a given theme. After that (from the 17th to 24th), everyone can vote on which pictures they think are the best. Please refer to the latest discussion for the current theme. "No nudity as this is a family friendly group" Thank you all for participating.

  • Port of Hamburg (Germany)

    Port of Hamburg (Germany)

    Created 16 years ago

    Photos showing different impressions of the port of Hamburg in Northern Germany. Containers, ships, office buildings, industry - all the things you can find on the Elbe in the port of Hamburg.

  • Hamburg (Germany)

    Hamburg (Germany)

    Created 16 years ago

    This group is for all the stuff of the beautiful city of Hamburg in Northern Germany. Here you can find more, more specific groups about Hamburg: District-Groups: Altona , Barmbek , Bramfeld , St. Pauli Places: Airport Alster-lake Bridges and Tunnels Elbe-river Elbphilharmonie FC St. Pauli Guess Where Hamburg? Heinrich-Hertz-Turm ("Fernsehturm", "Telemichel") Historical Office buildings ("Kontorhäuser") Miniatur Wunderland (MiWuLa) Museum of Work ("Museum der Ar…

  • Sea View - Seeblick - vue sur la mer

    Sea View - Seeblick - vue sur la mer

    Created 4 years ago

    Selbst erklärend - - - Bitte auch mal ein Bild kommentieren

  • moments in move - Intentional Camera Movement

    moments in move - Intentional Camera Movement

    Created 12 years ago

    Pictures that move ... and were taken by moving the camera intentionally during the exposure

  • Hamburg 2020

    Hamburg 2020

    Created 4 years ago

    Wie die meisten schon per mail erfahren haben findet das Treffen im April nicht statt - aus naheliegenden Gründen Auch 2020 findet am letzten Aprilwochenende (24.4. - 26.4.) wieder das traditionelle ipernity - Treffen in der schönen Kühlen aus dem Norden statt. Klaus, Volker und ich werden hier im Laufe der kommenden Monate Programmdetails veröffentlichen. Auch für Vorschläge sind wir immer offen und dankbar.

  • # Diving, counter diving

    # Diving, counter diving

    Created 4 years ago

    Photos taken vertically or almost vertically, from below or above the object, with an interesting perspective All scales and black and white accepted Basic post-treatments accepted, but no artistic treatment or special effects. No shocking photos

  • Bokeh as MAIN Subject - the blurry way of photography

    Bokeh as MAIN Subject - the blurry way of photography

    Created 16 years ago

    As the subject says - Bokeh is the blurry way of photography. Even if you do not recognize it, bokeh is a big subject in photography, as you can see it every day in lots of pictures. This group is dedicated to all you bokeh-lovers - to all the people out there, who have an eye for the smooth and blurry subject in their photos (instead of the sharp subject in the foreground). You are welcome to join this group and to be part of the Bokeh community. Contribute your blurry shots and enjoy the…

  • Switzerland


    Created 16 years ago

    Pictures taken in Switzerland.