Keith Burton's groups

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Public groups in which Keith Burton is a member

  • Flo. Fam. : Oleaceae , Oleacées , famille de l'olivier/Olivenbaumfamilie/olive family/familia del olivo

    Flo. Fam. : Oleaceae , Oleacées , famille de l'olivier/Olivenbaumfamilie/olive family/familia del olivo

    Created 2 years ago

    Flo. Fam. : Oleaceae , Oleacées , famille de l'olivier/Olivenbaumfamilie/olive family/familia del olivo Regrouper de belles photos de plantes de cette famille Cela comprend : oliviers , frênes , troènes , lilas , jasmins , forsythia , osmanthes etc .... les genres et espèces sur wiki : ________________________________________________________ Gruppieren Sie schöne Fotos von Pflanzen aus dieser Familie. Dazu gehören: Olivenbäume , Eschen , Liguster , Flieder , Ja…

  • Perching Birds

    Perching Birds

    Created 9 years ago

    This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.

  • Urbex  et exploration  urbaine

    Urbex et exploration urbaine

    Created 7 years ago

    Urbex et toutes formes d'exploration de lieux abandonnés auront leurs place ici , toutes formes d'explorations urbaines ou rurales

  • m m multiples s s

    m m multiples s s

    Created 8 years ago

    I would like to have this group be images with more than one of something, Vague, I know. That's on purpose. I want to allow for a single image with say two distinct trees, or multiple images with one type of thing repeated, or a single image repeated. So diptychs, triptychs would work if is there is a repeating theme. Please make sure the multiple is the main part of the photo. (Not multiple exposure images - unless something gets repeated.)

  • Solent & Spithead

    Solent & Spithead

    Created 9 years ago

    The only rule Images _must_ be from the area bounded on the east by an imaginary line drawn from The Nab Tower to East Wittering and the west by an imaginary line drawn from The Needles to Milford-on-sea. The north bounded by Hants and West Sussex and the south by the Isle of Wight. _All_ creeks and inlets between these lines are obviously also included eg Soton Water, Langstone & Portsmouth Hbrs, Chichester Hbr, Bembridge Hbr and so on and so forth. A group for the waterway off the English s…

  • white background - on white - - weißer Hintergrund - auf Weiß

    white background - on white - - weißer Hintergrund - auf Weiß

    Created 4 years ago

    Der Hintergrund muß WEISS sein. - WEISS ist WEISS Engl. : - The background must be WHITE. - WHITE is WHITE Franz.: - Le fond doit être BLANC. - Le BLANC c'est le BLANC Ital.: - Lo sfondo deve essere BIANCO. Il BIANCO è BIANCO



    Created 3 years ago

    Very sad to announce Andy has just left us. He was a gentle soul, very loved and cheered here as in real life. Rest in peace my very dear friend… In this group we will keep your memory alive with our contributions.

  • Vreemdelingen--Aliëns-

  • umbrellas


    Created 2 years ago

    Umbrellas - as protection against rain, sun Schirm, parasol, umbrella, garden umbrella, ombrellone, ombrelli, parapluie, umbrella, paraguas , The word umbrella - Middle High German 'schirm' and Old High German scirm or skirm "protection". Please no big city views where small umbrellas appear somewhere !!!! The umbrella - or parts of an umbrella should be the focus!

  • Reflets & Reflectionst

    Reflets & Reflectionst

    Created 15 years ago

    Collect various aesthetically beautiful pictures , reflections in water, in a mirror or in various Reflecting materials. We do not not accept shadows.

  • Silhouette photography

    Silhouette photography

    Created 16 years ago

    Silhouette photography is a game in which subjects are deliberately photographed against a light background in such a way that they appear dark and you can only make out their outlines. With this in mind, you are invited to play along here. Have fun!

  • Cucho B&W

    Cucho B&W

    Created 11 years ago

    Black and white photos only Bitte nur Schwarzweiß-Fotografie.

  • Benches of the World

    Benches of the World

    Created 11 years ago

    .. a bench to sit on .. fits at least two [2] people .. made of any type material .. old, new, memory benches .. all around this World .. there are places to sit and rest .. so have your camera ready .. benches are out there ! .. we would love to see what you find ~ Benches of the World Group

  • ◉Historical & Architectural Gems

    ◉Historical & Architectural Gems

    Created 10 years ago

    Architecture can be old or modern. Historical objects such as vintage articles or transport. Must be at least 50 years old. L'architecture peut être vieux ou moderne. Objets historiques tels que les articles d'époque ou de transport. Doit être d'au moins 50 ans.

  • Phone Boxes And Post Boxes

    Phone Boxes And Post Boxes

    Created 10 years ago

    Photos of Telephone Boxes and Booths, and Post Boxes and Mail Boxes. Contributions from around the world are welcome. When your daily limit of photographs is reached you will not be able to add another until 24 hours after the earliest of the last 6 contributions.

  • * Scary things , scenes and places

    * Scary things , scenes and places

    Created 4 years ago

    Photos of places, objects, situations, inspiring fear, anxiety, by the subject or atmosphere, of good quality. Creations, post-processing are accepted, but: - not the kitsch assemblies , halloweenesques - No nudes

  • cemetery statures and sculptures

    cemetery statures and sculptures

    Created 16 years ago

    A walk over a graveyard can be inspiring. There you can find wonderful sculptures and old monuments. Show us the places of peace around the world. Please describe where the picture was taken. Not a classic cemetery photo? No Problem. Feel free to post it if you think it could be interesting for this group.

  • Beach huts

    Beach huts

    Created 15 years ago

    I would say a typography of the very English Beach hut or bathing house. But I know there are some in Europe, but they don't seem to serve the same purpose as here in the UK. There are no rules on style and presentation, but the idea is to capture the essence of beach huts throughout the year

  • Autumn-Φθινόπωρο-Auxtuno


    Created 8 years ago

    Anything related to autumn...colours,leaves,trees, landscapes...even textured creations

  • Bicycles from all over the world

    Bicycles from all over the world

    Created 6 years ago

    proposes you to show and discover bicycles and cyclists from all over the world. The details, the whole bike, races or rides, in black and white or in colour, the most important thing remains the bike! It should be the main motif!