m̌ ḫ's groups

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Public groups in which m̌ ḫ is an administrator

  • #matrix of present times

    #matrix of present times

    Created 14 years ago

    | Present here photos of || Futurism ||| Sci-fi |||| Innovation ||||| Utopia & dystopia

  • >✕< shamans ⅋ sorcerers >✕<

    >✕< shamans ⅋ sorcerers >✕<

    Created 13 years ago

    People, art and traditions belonging to the spiritual and magic dimension of the world. Strongly supported pictures from siberian, native american, tibetan and other asian, black african, australian aboriginal, ancient european, and other traditional cultures ⅋ civilisations...

  • .cO) clouds

    .cO) clouds

    Created 10 years ago

    In meteorology, a cloud is a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. These suspended particles are also known as aerosols and are studied in the cloud physics branch of meteorology. Terrestrial cloud formation is the result of air in Earth's atmosphere becoming saturated due to either or both of two processes; cooling of the air and adding water vapor. With sufficient saturation, pre…

  • 100 Percent Perfect

    100 Percent Perfect

    Created 10 years ago

    NO photos of food | NO garden flowers | NO cats, dogs & other pets | QUALITY PHOTOS WELCOME!

  • ::d!g.mod*w!ld.col*8rootal.po5tp*A!.plag!::


    Created 14 years ago

    This group is for excessively altered, coloured pictures, AI & computer graphic art, and other terrible pictures

  • A Story Behind the Photograph

    A Story Behind the Photograph

    Created 2 years ago

    Please, put a short paragraph of your original text under the photo. Two sentences at least plz.

  • b l u e

    b l u e

    Created 16 years ago

    Do you like b l u e? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour! Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour. Thank blue.

  • B+W


    Created 16 years ago

    Black and white photos only. Film or digital.

  • g r e e n

    g r e e n

    Created 16 years ago

    Do you like g r e e n ? Green is the colour between blue & yellow on the visible spectrum. In subtractive coluor systems, used in painting and color printing, it is created by a combination of yellow and cyan. In the RGB color model (used on TV & PC screens), it is one of the additive primary colours, along with red & blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colours. By far the largest contributor to green in nature is chlorophyll, the chemical by which plants pho…

  • r e d

    r e d

    Created 16 years ago

    Do you like the colour r e d ? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the red colour! Please post only pictures where red is the dominating colour. Thank you.

  • Travel Photography

    Travel Photography

    Created 16 years ago

    Everything about photography when travelling. A place where you can exchange travel information and tips - and of course the best impressions of your last trip.

  • y e l l o w

    y e l l o w

    Created 16 years ago

    Do you like y e l l o w ? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the yellow colour! Please post only pictures where yellow (golden, cream or lemon yellow) is the dominating colour. Thank you.

Public groups in which m̌ ḫ is a member

  • ! B&W - The Art of Photography

    ! B&W - The Art of Photography

    Created 15 years ago

    *** This group accepts only Black and White photos

  • 'The Black & White'

    'The Black & White'

    Created 10 years ago

    The Black & White loves beautiful pictures and their members. Beautiful and friendly is The Black & White's watchwords. A single objective: TBW Visible use of 'hdr' will not be accepted. As well as software of image editings such Photoshop etc... Refused frame. Well, not always ;) but do not overdo them!. Panoramas accepted on the admin's recognizance. No selective color, please. > Free admission for the Moderators and Invitations. Or moderating validation. 3 contributions a day. Visit TBW.…

  • >>Pareidolia<<


    Created 8 years ago

    Pareidolie (altgr. παρα para ‚daneben‘, ‚vorbei‘ und εἴδωλον eidolon ‚Form‘, ‚Erscheinung‘) bezeichnet das Phänomen, in Dingen und Mustern vermeintliche Gesichter und vertraute Wesen oder Gegenstände zu erkennen. (aus: Wikipedia) Als Pareidolie wird eine Sinnestäuschung bezeichnet, bei der ein tatsächlich vorhandenes Objekt um ein nicht vorhandenes ergänzt wird. So können beispielsweise Gesichter in ein Muster interpretiert werden. Pareidolien kommen so wie Illusionen hauptsächlich bei Gesu…

  • >>UNESCO World Heritage Sites<<

    >>UNESCO World Heritage Sites<<

    Created 16 years ago

    All UNESCO World Heritage Sites... please only pictures of the site, clearly recognizable. The site must be listed on whc.unesco.org/en/list/576/ Thank you to tag your image with "UNESCO"

  • " 100 %  MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "

    " 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "

    Created 8 years ago

    miroirs-mirrors.group.ipernity.com Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ... Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ... All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ... Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...

  • " Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "

    " Amazing Nature - Einmalige Natur - La nature unique - La natura unica "

    Created 8 years ago

    amazing-nature.group.ipernity.com Das Besondere aus der Natur ; Von Makro bis zur Landschaftsfotografie ! The special feature of nature; From macro to landscape photography! La particularité de la nature; Depuis la photographie macro au paysage! La particolarità della natura; Dal macro per fotografia di paesaggio!

  • " ART - comme architecture ! Art - like architecture !  Art - come l'architettura! " Art  -  wie Architektur !

  • " The absurd "

    " The absurd "

    Created 16 years ago

    What, then, is that incalculable feeling that deprives the mind of the sleep necessary to life? A world that can be explained even with bad reasons is a familiar world. But, on the other hand, in a universe suddenly divested of illusions and lights, man feels an alien, a stranger. His exile is without remedy since he is deprived of the memory of a lost home or the hope of a promised land. This divorce between man and his life, the actor and his setting, is properly the feeling of absurdity.…