volker_hmbg's groups

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Public groups in which volker_hmbg is a member

  • Hamburg St. Pauli (Germany)

    Hamburg St. Pauli (Germany)

    Created 16 years ago

    St. Pauli (or Sankt Pauli, but officially the former) is a district in the heart of the northern German city of Hamburg. The best known are certainly the Reeperbahn and the harbour, some may even think of FC St. Pauli (for which there is a separate FC St. Pauli - Group ). Many social conflicts that attracted nationwide attention originated in this district: the now pacified struggle for houses in Hafenstrasse, for the Bambule construction site or the Rote Flora cultural centre. But St. Pauli is…

  • A Story Behind the Photograph

    A Story Behind the Photograph

    Created 2 years ago

    Please, put a short paragraph of your original text under the photo. Two sentences at least plz.

  • A Coffee and Tea Time

    A Coffee and Tea Time

    Created 8 years ago

    coffee-and-tea-time.group.ipernity.com www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-m6CUwH7II&list=PLToB3eFNFQ9kGN_M-4XARijOjwBUaftY8&index=3 Alles über die Pause zwischendurch... Kaffee , Tee , sowie die passenden Beilagen... Zucker , Gebäck , Snacks und Süsses ! À propos des pauses ... Café, thé, et des plats correspondants secondaires ... Sucre, des biscuits, les petits pains , baguettes , les en-cas et des friandises! All about the breaks ... Coffee, tea, well as the suitable side dishes ... Sugar, bisc…

  • Die Kunst der Baustelle - The Art of construction site - L'Art du Chantier

    Die Kunst der Baustelle - The Art of construction site - L'Art du Chantier

    Created 4 years ago

    Since the time of industrialisation, building sites have also attracted the artistic eye. You will probably not find a town or village that does not have building sites. In this group we collect our impressions and discoveries. The design and also the processing of the pictures remains with you.

  • Reflets urbains, Urbans Reflections

    Reflets urbains, Urbans Reflections

    Created 11 years ago

    Effets miroir dans l'urbain sur le chemin de l'insolite et du graphisme Mirror effects in urban on the way to the unusual and graphics

  • Reflection


    Created 16 years ago

    Pictures with reflections...glass, water, mirrors, anything with a reflection in it. PLEASE post just a couple pictures at a time. If you post a bunch, you'll push other reflectors pics off of the 1st page and they won't get their moment to shine. ALSO, if you space it out, picture of yours will be at the top of the heap various times. See, it's a win-win! :-) ----- tags: reflet miroitement mirroring spiegelung

  • Killepitsch for all ... ;-)... ävver nit ze off (aber nicht zu oft...;-)

    Killepitsch for all ... ;-)... ävver nit ze off (aber nicht zu oft...;-)

    Created 6 years ago

    Killepitsch Der Name entstand im Zweiten Weltkrieg in einem Luftschutzbunker im Gespräch zwischen Hans Müller-Schlösser, dem Schöpfer von „Schneider Wibbel“, und Willi Busch, bei dem Busch angeblich gesagt hat: "Ech sach dech bloß ens Hans, koome meer he heil erus, dat se ons nit kille, dann brau ech dech ö Schabäuke, do kannste de Zong noh lecke, dann dommer eene pitsche on dä kannste dann von mech us Killepitsch nenne!" ("Ich sag dir bloß eins Hans, kommen wir hier heil heraus, daß…

  • Photographers - taking a picture

    Photographers - taking a picture

    Created 16 years ago

    The faces behind the camera... Shoot the shooter :) Don´t spam in the name of this group. Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments. Continuous abuse will lead to being banned from this group. Thank you ♥ Moderated.

  • The Wall

    The Wall

    Created 16 years ago

    This group is about pure walls or walls including windows or doors or even a little graffiti - but the focus has to be on the wall itself.

  • UrbEx [Germany]

    UrbEx [Germany]

    Created 13 years ago

    Urban Exploration "is the exploration of manmade structures, usually abandoned ruins or hidden components of the manmade environment" - only pictures from Germany!

  • water


    Created 15 years ago

    water - only water - nothing but water (every picture with other subjects will be removed) www.ipernity.com/group/water

  • # Diving, counter diving

    # Diving, counter diving

    Created 4 years ago

    Photos taken vertically or almost vertically, from below or above the object, with an interesting perspective All scales and black and white accepted Basic post-treatments accepted, but no artistic treatment or special effects. No shocking photos

  • dark matter

    dark matter

    Created 7 years ago

    dark - strange - mysterious - threatening - dangerous ... it must be DARK !!! it must be dark, if possible black and white - monochrome possibly with a small bright, inconspicuous coloured dot

  • Shadow Selfies

    Shadow Selfies

    Created 5 years ago

    Please post only shadow selfies in this group, i.e. photos that show your shadow and are taken by yourself.

  • Main (river Main)

    Main (river Main)

    Created 10 years ago

    Photos and videos (!) The river Main.

  • Altes Land

    Altes Land

    Created 2 years ago

    Bilder, die das "Alte Land" dokumentieren, Gebäude, Kirchen, Die Landschaft, aber auch Gegenstände, Menschen und Bräuche, Pflanzen und Tiere (sofern sie im "Alten Land" fotografiert sind). Pictures documenting the "Old Country", buildings, churches, the landscape, but also objects, people and customs, plants and animals (if photographed in the "Old Country"). Des photos documentant le "Vieux Pays", les bâtiments, les églises, le paysage, mais aussi les objets, les personnes et les coutumes, le…

  • " 1 A Industriedenkmäler  / 1A industrial monuments" "

    " 1 A Industriedenkmäler / 1A industrial monuments" "

    Created 8 years ago

    industrial.industriedenkmaler.group.ipernity.com Die Industriegeschichte als schützenswerte kulturelle Leistung... The industrial history as worth protecting cultural performance ... L'histoire industrielle digne d'être protégé dans sa performance culturelle ... La storia industriale come pena proteggere manifestazione culturale ...

  • River and Lakes -- Flüsse und Seen

    River and Lakes -- Flüsse und Seen

    Created 16 years ago

    Pictures about river and lakes. The pictures are to be in context with the river or lake and must have a geotag or tag with the point of view. It's an easy and the only rule for this group. Have a lot of fun. --------------------------------------------------------- Bilder über Flüsse und Seen. Die Bilder sollten im Kontext zu dem Fluß oder See stehen und mit einem Geotag bzw. Stichwort-Tag versehen sein. Das ist eine einfache und die einzige Regel dieser Gruppe Viel…



    Created 9 years ago

    Présenter des photographes en action, et seulement des photographes...

  • ::d!g.mod*w!ld.col*8rootal.po5tp*A!.plag!::


    Created 14 years ago

    This group is for excessively altered, coloured pictures, AI & computer graphic art, and other terrible pictures