Annemarie's groups

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Public groups in which Annemarie is a member

  • glasses - sun glass - Brillen - Sonnenbrille -  Augengläser - lunettes - occhiali -

    glasses - sun glass - Brillen - Sonnenbrille - Augengläser - lunettes - occhiali -

    Created 19 months ago

    Any kind of glasses (eyeglasses) - Spectacles consist of spectacle lenses, which either have a light-refracting effect as ground lenses and serve as visual aids. Glasses are also important as a fashion accessory.

  • Greece


    Created 15 years ago


  • Group Guidelines

    Group Guidelines

    Created 3 years ago

    Group to discuss a necessary update of the Group Guidelines from 2019 to eliminate gaps, clear up misinterpretations and adapt the rules to the general development of the community.

  • Gutters, rain gutter,  gouttière, grondaia, gotera, Regenrinne, Dachrinne

    Gutters, rain gutter, gouttière, grondaia, gotera, Regenrinne, Dachrinne

    Created 15 months ago

    A gutter or rain gutter or roof gutter is a collecting channel on the eaves that collects the rainwater running off the roof covering on the eaves and drains it through a funnel via a downpipe or rain drain chain. As detailed or close-up as possible. No rain gutters which you have to look for in the photo!!

  • HBM "Happy Bench Monday"

    HBM "Happy Bench Monday"

    Created 3 years ago

    Eine Bank lädt ein zum Verweilen. Man nimmt Platz um sich auszuruhen, Menschen zu beobachten oder seinen Blick durch die Landschaft schweifen zu lassen. Manchmal ist sie ein Platz für Liebende, ein anderes mal ein Schlafplatz oder man genießt ein Picknick mit Freunden. Zeigt Eure Lieblingsbänke oder ganz einfache Bänke. Euer Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Hochgeladen sollten maximal drei Bilder zwischen Sonntag Mittag und Montag Abend und wünscht Euch "Happy bench monday" wenn Ihr woll…



    Created 11 years ago

    The purpose of this group is to send kind regards to each other once a week, on Fridays. For this purpose, post images that show any kind of a fence. (Fences are common all over the world and can be shown in many different ways.) Have fun with it! Please note: - Only one image a week! - No nude pictures! - Respect the start and stop signs! Violations of these rules will be deleted without further notice.

  • HWW (Happy Wednesday Wall)

    HWW (Happy Wednesday Wall)

    Created 2 years ago

    Let's explore walls. Walls protect, walls limit. Walls can be beautifully decorated, walls can be shockingly ugly. There are great paintings on walls or fantastic flowers. Walls are a substantial part of our history...

  • Image Composition Group

    Image Composition Group

    Created 3 years ago

    Image Composition Group We are not looking for the perfect picture, no, but for the incomplete, imperfect picture. Everyone looks at a picture differently. It is not the technical quality that is of interest, at least not in the foreground. So the focus is on the composition of the picture - or something similar to what is described at the end of this entry. Also such aspects as image format, depth of field / distribution / plane, colouring, image composition, focal length, horizon, light, shad…

  • Inspiration


    Created 4 years ago

    Photos - images - dessins et textes poétiques suivant l'inspiration - seulement à ce qui se rapporte à des poésies, films, dessins, créations...toutes photos non adéquates qui n'exprimeront pas le thème avec texte, titre de films etc. seront supprimées !

  • IPERNITY -  Masterpiece

    IPERNITY - Masterpiece

    Created 10 years ago

    This group is not simply about your best photos/ works, but about real masterpieces , which not only convince through high technical, compositional and content quality as well as originality, but also touch in one way or the other. Please submit only images that correspond to this description. Pictures of insufficient quality and/or inappropriate pictures will be deleted without comment.

  • IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    IPERNITY - Ambassador Images

    Created 3 years ago

    Group objective: The intention is to show images by our members that are particularly worth seeing and that represent the spectrum of their work in the greatest possible diversity. It is not a ‚best-of‘ group. ● Only group members can make proposals. ● Proposals must fulfil the group objective and be technically flawless. ● 1 proposal per week is possible. ● An editorial team decides on the acceptance. ● Max. 1 image per member + month will be accepted. Note: The limit only applies t…

  • IPERNITY Hall of Fame

    IPERNITY Hall of Fame

    Created 7 years ago

    Pictures with 50+ faves or 500+ visits. Please only contributions of appropriate quality, relevance, and originality!

  • Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals

    Ipernity Homepage - Image Proposals

    Created 6 years ago

    The ipernity homepage is an advertising medium. Its purpose is to arouse the curiosity of visitors from the web so that they click deeper into our website. With other words: It is not another showcase for the most beautiful images from our community. Image contributions should rather be suited to fulfil the above stated purpose in the best possible way. Please read the group rules for more information.

  • Ipernity Members Association Project

    Ipernity Members Association Project

    Created 7 years ago

    This is a group to inform all users of IPERNITY about the progress of the IMA project. All entries which support this concern, are very welcome.

  • PHOTO of the month PHOTO of the month

    Created 15 years ago

    You can submit one pic per month. No matter when you took or uploaded it.

  • Karp Panta group

    Karp Panta group

    Created 4 years ago

    Karp Panta nous a quitté. Il était très actif sur Ipernity. Il aimait les gens et le voyage. Ce groupe lui est dédié pour perpétuer son souvenir. Les photos devront être prises partout dans le monde et mettre en valeur les hommes et les femmes dans leur quotidien. Ce groupe est par ailleurs sélectif et les photos devront être de bonne qualité technique, bien composée et/ou dégager une émotion. Karp Panta has left us. He was very active on Ipernity. He loved people and traveling. This group is d…



    Created 8 months ago

    Bateaux, voiliers, yachts ou paquebots de croisière sur les mers, océans, lacs, fjords... Pas de photo SANS BATEAU sur la mer, le lac ou le fjord. Et pas de bateaux de pêche, de transport ou de sport. Barche, velieri, yacht o navi da crociera su mari, oceani, laghi, fiordi... Nessuna foto SENZA BARCA in mare, lago o fiordo. E niente barche da pesca, da trasporto o sportive. Boats, sailing boats, yachts or cruise liners on seas, oceans, lakes, fjords... No photo WITHOUT A BOAT on the sea,…

  • Landing Page Suggestions

    Landing Page Suggestions

    Created 10 months ago

    Post your suggestions for the new landing page photo here. To be acceptable you have to format your photos to: Landscape 1350 x 580 px . Further details of the requirements can be found here . Please review your portfolio for appropriate photos. You might also consider accepting it as a challenge to take a new photograph for the purpose. Feel free to invite your friends and contacts.

  • Landscape - Landschaft - Paysage

    Landscape - Landschaft - Paysage

    Created 16 years ago

    Please remember this is a Landscape group, Please avoid close up's or photos, where there is a main subject, like a tree, a waterfall, birds, the sea, but no "landscape" at all. Please only photos, no videos! Have fun! And please tell us the location! If possible, images that fail to follow these rules will NOT be accepted.

  • Landscape Dream