Group: Trees

Monte Gordo, Rainy day and sprinklers watering...

Penedos, Misty morning

Gap In The Trees.

Penedos, Seasonal HFF

São Pedro das Cabeças, Castro Verde

S. Pedro de Cabeças, Castro Verde

Arriving to Mértola, HWW

Exiting Hamilton To The South.

Afternoon frost

Our Lilac Tree

Hedge trimming

Hedge trimming

Nur ein Viertelstündchen

erster Schnee

Schnee - Licht - und Schatten

Icy outlook

Bäume im Nebel und Schnee

Blue and White

Daisies and Blossom.

Penedos, Flower season starts, taken just after su…

The Glorious Art of a Snowy WInter

Castro Verde, HFF

Hedge cutting

Hedge cutting

Winter has arrived

Winter has arrived