Group: ipernity API users

ipeRSS now API powerd and with working cache

19 Oct 2008 - 8 comments - 1 463 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Hi there!

Some of you maybe know my ipeRSS Wordpress plugin. With this plugin the user can show his documents at ipernity in his own Wordpress powered blog.

The API was implemented very quick (well done, ipernity, the API is documented very well and there are not too much functions to mess with). The last few days i tried to create an usable caching function.

Last condition was: Works like charm in my development area, and works like charm on my hosters webserver, but totally don’t works like whatever when used in it’s designation as a Wordpress plugin.

Well ... Now i’m using a little (added an “@” at line 122 and an “php” in the first line) adapted version of “PHP Cache” by M-Software.

I tested it at my blog, and as you can see: it works.

What i’m asking for is that YOU now test it, before i’m going to release the new version. In exchange for your time for testing you get ... well ... honor and a lot of fame ;)

  1. Download ipeRSS here:
  2. before uploading it to the Wordpress plugin directory, you might want to have a look at the files *g*
  3. Install as Wordpress plugin in your (non-productive *g*) blog and set read- and write permissions to the “cache” subtirectory in the “iperss” directory
  4. for setting it up, follow instructions here: (yes, this instructions will be updated as soon as i release the API powered version)

And after testing: please give feedback (german or english). Thanks!

8 comments - The latest ones
 ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club
Hm, dein Plugin zeigt nachwievor leider nur die letzten Fotos an. Hast du mal daran gedacht, es zu erweitern, dass es nicht nur die letzten Fotos, sondern alle Fotos anzeigt, oder aber zumindest alle Foto - Alben, änlich wie bspw. oder so?
15 years ago.
Dirk has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club
Es werden alle Fotos angezeigt, die durch die API übergeben werden - Allerdings beschränkt auf Fotos, die auf „Public“ gesetzt sind. Du kannst $count ja beliebig hochsetzen, allerdings ist ipeRSS darauf nicht ausgelegt, sondern dient einzig dazu, die letzten paar Bilder anzuzeigen.
15 years ago.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Dirk
Ja, eben. Klar kann ich count beliebig hochsetzen (werden denn dann wirklich mehr übertragen, gibt es also wie bei RSS - Feeds keine Obergrenze?), aber dann fehlen ja nachwievor Alben.
Ich würde halt gerne meine Fotos bei mir in der Seite integrieren, damit die Leute zum betrachten meiner Fotos nicht immer meine Seite komplett verlassen müssen...
15 years ago.
Dirk has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club
Na ja, ich kenne die Beschränkungen jetzt nicht im Kopf, aber irgendwann wird die API blocken. Angenommen du setzt $count auf 9999999, aber die API liefert nur maximal 500 Bilder, dann wirst du, auch wenn du 45332 Bilder hättest, nur die letzten 500 bekommen :)

Ansonsten ist das, was du vor hast, gar nicht Sinn und Zweck des Plugins, und ich glaube auch nicht, dass ich es demnächst implementieren werde, sorry.
15 years ago.
Christophe Ruelle club has replied to Dirk
This is because you're using We will soon provide a method to access to a member docstream. Remember to use and to browse docs from albums and groups if you need to.
15 years ago.
Dirk has replied to Christophe Ruelle club
I’ll wait until you provide the docstream function, because needs an album ID i don’t have – or is there a “generic album”, in that all documents are?

Btw: It would be a good thing, having access to the docstream via album ID in the same style as we have access to specified albums (so i could realize Kiezkickers idea of providing specified albums via ipeRSS and havind the functionality i want *g*)
15 years ago.
 Christophe Ruelle
Christophe Ruelle club
Good news Dirk, many persons already asked about a wordpress plugin. We will soon open a page with links to the API/RSS third party tools. If you consider ipeRSS stable enough would you like it to be listed in this page?
15 years ago.
Dirk has replied to Christophe Ruelle club
Of course! I run this plugin in my Blog since a few weeks, i am my best (and only?) bug reporting beta tester *g* But i don’t need to report any bugs, because it just works. What do i need to do, for getting the plugin to your list? The documentation is available in German and ... erm ... some sort of “informational english”, or whatever you want to call my text *g*

The plugin file is always available at the same location (see my documentation that i want to rewrite since weeks *g*).

I don’t test it in other browsers than firefox and i don’t test it in different PHP versions or Wordpress versions. I only change code, if i think, i want to, or if it does not work at my blog.

ipeRSS is like Linux was in the beginning: my private purpose project created by me for my needs and only published to the net because i want to share my work. I don’t do this, because i want do be the author of a Wordpress plugin :) → This is no community work, that i use by myself, it is private work that i share with the community ;)

But it’s cool to see, that someone is really using it or wants to put it on an official list.

Coming from a group home page (?)
15 years ago.

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