Group: North American Travel

"Alvin's Arch"

View from McCarthy Road (Explored)

Beaver Lodge

Trestle bridge in the wilderness

Don't go walking with honey

No trespassing or you will be blown to bits (Explo…

Dirt covered Glacier

Kennecott Mines National Historic Landmark

Kennecott Glacier

Alaskan Wildflower

Ore refining building

Kennecott Glacier

Abandonned, but not forgotten

Rickety house

The crooked building

Mining on the mountain


Kinzua Railroad Bridge Remains

CSX Running Through Folkston (HFF)

Going down (Explored)

Entrance to Yellowstone National Park (HWW)

Anna Ruby Falls 002

New Hampshire traffic jam

Along Route 302

Crawford Notch State Park

Overlook on Bear Notch Road

Bear Notch Road