Group: Art is Art

The shadow city

Decor inspired by Arab stained glass

In Lisbon, the theater scene is vibrant and divers…

From S. Roque Hill to Sant'Ana Hill

In the silkscreen workshop

'Seated' by Tschabalala Self - Bexhill -7 7 2023

Total sadness is as impossible as total joy, Tolst…

Rock Painting.

Golden hour in town

The benches are ready for the concert

today's abstract 01012019 03

Give way to pedestrians - London Bridge - saturati…

Impressions on a rainy day

“Walk of Shame” intends to leave a strong criticis…

Fly.. the dream of humanity


CAM in motion: Art takes to the streets

Inhabited painting (detail), 1976 Helena Almeida

Beacon 1 c1 - The sailing club - Artwork by Asako…

Manueline window (16th century).

Safe of gold nuggets

Mount Aragats and Armenian Alphabet

He reminds us where we came from

Southwark Cathedral + Shakespeare window + by Chri…

Somewhere in the Atlantic

Statues of Fernando Araújo and Fernando Lopes-Graç…