Group: Global Art Gallery | Galerie d'art Mondiale | Galería de Arte Mundial

Cassandra II by Emily Young - photographed from Ta…

Lost Mountain Head 1 by Emily Young - from Tate Mo…

HFF a tout le monde.

Sundials at The Horniman Museum London

De La Warr Pavilion reflections explored 25 10 201…

Russian War Memorial outside the Imperial War Muse…

Langemark Military Cemetery August 2003 - statues

fountain of wisdom

Sunflowers sculpture - Michelham Priory - 15.6.201…

Blake's Vision of Angels

London - Ice Watch - Olafur Eliasson & Minik Rosin…

The Bathing Ladies - Bruges - 19 6 2005 portrait

Frank van Acker Mayor of Brugge


Ramji Das - Mararaja Pratap Singh - c1782 - The As…

Sir Francis Chantrey's busts - The Ashmolean Museu…

Southwark Cathedral Cathedral history window 12 12…

Southwark Cathedral + Florence Tucker window + by…