Group: Restaurants Pubs and Taverns of the World - Past & Present

Vintage Las Morenas


Childs Restaurant in Coney Island, July 2007

ha ca faisait longtemps !

auf der Speck-Alm* ... ;-)))

Pork with prawns.

Roadside fast food


Terrace on the cliff.

Bar's room inside the cliff.

Cova d'en Xoroi.

Santa Rosa Flamingo resort (#1004)

Follow the rules

Whoa Tavern, No Minors

It’s night, it’s not raining but they are walking…

Claudio's, Sydney

Grilled swordfish for lunch.

Au mur d'un resto a Toulouse

Pose incontournable ...en bas du Mâchu Picchu ..à…

Panda mural.

Façade rouennaise

un coin insolite de Rouen à l’architecture particu…

...der Mann kopflos... - 8. März Weltfrauentag -