Group: Wild Flowers of the United Kingdom

Ragged Robin. Lychnis flos-cuculi

Dozens and Dozens of Daisies

Bee about to land on a Dog Rose

Common Catsear

Dandelion Seed Head

Yellow rattle. Rhinanthus minor

Birdsfoot trefoil. Lotus corniculatus

Three Lions

En Pointe

Geranium robertianum. Herb robert

Field Pansy. Viola arvensis

Seedhead of Tussilago farfara. Coltsfoot.

Ne'er cast a cloot til May be oot.

Oxalis acetosella. Wood sorrel.

Stellaria holostea. Greater Stitchwort

Prunus avium. Wild cherry blossom.

Teazles, reeds & grasses East Blatchington Pond -…

Anemone nemorosa

Fragaria vesca. The wild strawberry

Snowdrops in the woods

Lone Snowdrop

Dandelion time-bombs mono 17 5 2018

Bee on Sea Holly