Group: Abstract Nature

Glowing Goatsbeard Parachutes (Pappus)

Red Buds in A Green Star

171/365: "He is richest who is content with the le…

2013060102 VTT St Alban sur Limogne (82) Ledge


Seeds & Scales (1 picture below)

Peregrine Thistle Bud

IMG 0527 refreshed

20130108 Fee Caroux (91)

20130509 Fee Mt Baudile (39) Ledge

Red and Black Leaf Abstract

20130209 Fee Pegairolles bueges-st guilhem desert…

20130620 Fee Arboretum de l'Espaze (1) Ledge

Petals of a Peony

164/365: "Keep your love of nature, for that is th…

Detail of a Spider Chrysanthemum

IMG 2704 glow

IMG 2807 pirouette

IMG 2503 jewel

IMG 2463 dusk

IMG 5505 transient

Reed Orchids

IMG 0001 serendipity