Group: Animal-Art - Animal in art

"Orang-Outan" (1967)

Painting on wall of ADAO's building.

Elephant on the wall.

Robin Hood.

Graffiti on pillar of viaduct.

Street art indoors.

Warping mural.

"Otarie endormie" (1965)

Painted on abandoned house.

De grandes dents

Le loup du Gevaudan

Le loup du Gévaudan a Saugues

This is definitly a horse!

Mr Jamieson the Draper and the Polar Bear

Painting on wall.

Trompe-l'œil windows.


"Baleine" (Teuthis)

Dog pranks pirate symbol.

"Girl with a dolphin" (David Wynne - 1973)

Docks Vauban (3)

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