Group: Reflection

Buildings at Rúa Maior, Verín.

Storm HENK reflections

River Leven and Sandpoint Marina

River Leven and Dumbarton Rock

Weir and pedestrian bridge on River Tâmega.

Tree reflections

Zum Neuen Jahr

Rotes Auto (PiP)

Sunset at Sandpoint Marina

Sonne und Sterne ... und ein Gutes Neues Jahr

Penedos, Lensball fantasy

Branthwaite Brow, Kendal

Sandpoint Marina Reflection

On ne se croirait pas à la veille de Noël!

Jouvenceaux : un bel tetto di pietra

Shropshire Union Canal

Winter lay up

Canal reflections

Coton Mill

Penedos, Stop HFF, see you next Friday

HBM am See

River Minho - a downstream view.