Group: Nia Klubo

HWW et bon Mercredi.

The Last Clearance

Holy Maria Bench (Hbm)

Iceland, Pair of Puffins at the Dyrhólaey Cape

Iceland, Skerries off the Shore of the Dyrhólaey C…

Bon Dimanche ensoleillé.

forest light

L'abbatiale du Montglonne.

Iceland, Dyrhólaey Arch and Elephant Rock

Iceland, The Dyrhólaey Lighthouse

The Last dinosaur egg-HFF for everyone 26-4-2024

Against the Wind

Château de Saint Montant.

Iceland, The Arch of Pressed Basalt Pieces on the…

Iceland, Puffins Family at the Dyrhólaey Cape

Shorts--water extraction area

Le Dahu DxO 1080

Iceland, Crystallic Basalt Columns above the Hálsa…

Icelandic Meadows with Harvested Crops

la mer frissonne ce matin

Bon week-end clément.

Iceland, The Glacier of Skaftafell

Iceland, Crystallic Basalt Columns outside the Hál…

Wherever you go or stand,mud and water are everywh…

Nord-ouest Irlande**Falaises de Moher******