Group: Single flower, einzelne Blume, única flor, la fleur seule

Cymbidium-Orchidee. ©UdoSm


Sommer Erinnerung... ©UdoSm

Winter bouquet... ©UdoSm

Schneerose Christrose. ©UdoSm


Roses De Ronsard pour vous************

Fruit of the season... ©UdoSm

December rose !!!

Blüten im Advent. ©UdoSm

pink rose bud

Blossoms of the season... ©UdoSm

Roses de l'été***************pour vous♫

Roses on the rocks. ©UdoSm


Blüten, Formen, Farben... ©UdoSm

2. Advent-Sonntag. ©UdoSm


Weiße Rose. ©UdoSm

The King of the Strelitzien. ㋡ ©UdoSm

in un giardino francese

Dahlienblüte... ©UdoSm

candore nell'ombra

Mistbiene (Eristalis tenax). ©UdoSm

il primo pruno (5 gennaio 2020 !)

Prise a Honaine..HWW.

Übermütige Biene... ©UdoSm