Group: People & Places

3 wheeler at Lewes Bus Station 3 4 2022

East end of Seaford's beach 2 4 2022

Royal carriage driving lesson along The Mall - Lon…

Au dessus de la marmite - Lewes - 3 4 2022

Avant Garde High Street Lewes 3 4 2022

Southdown Leyland Titan TD1 Lewes 3 4 2022

Sir Simon Milton - Merchant Square - London - 17.1…

Westminster Abbey's North Entrance - London - 31.7…

up or down is it an illusion? Tate Modern 12 4 20…

The one that got away - Edinburgh - August 1989

Molto allegro - London - 30.10.2014

Small, supposedly superior

tit for tat Brighton 27 6 2011

ECW muskets Jan 1994

Lingerie stall - De Panne - Belgium - July 2003

Juan Luis Vives 1492 1540 Bruges 19 6 2005

Great Court entrances British Museum 12 4 2007

Mounted sentries from The Life Guards at Whitehall…

Four generations, 1949

A mounted sentry from The Royal Horse Artillery -…

Ashmolean Museum - on different levels - 24 6 2014

IWM British field gun WW1 - 30.10.2014

A splendid show - whether you are staring or snapp…

Gotheborg starboard bow London 31 5 2007

Market stall fish Steenhouwersdijk Bruges

Market stall pottery Steenhouwersdijk Bruges

Crepe stall - Seaford - 14 2 2022