Group: Flora&Fauna del mundo.

Arrangement At The Entrance.

Pots On Patio.

Der müde Blick eines Grünspechts - The tired eye o…

People Working In The Garden.

Ein Farbtupfer im Winterwald - A splash of colour…

Eine Zauberwelt en miniature - A magical world in…

Who's over there?

Beyond the Fence

In Full Bloom.

Getting The Nectar.

Leaf Beauty.

Treasure Of Spring

Garden Beauties.

White Beauty.

Daisies In Lawn

Die ersten vorwitzigen Haselkätzchen - The first c…

Feeding The Birds.

Mein Name ist Baumläufer - My name is Treecreeper

Bluebells And Daisies

Carved poles.

Two Benches.

Through A Window

Hört mal, wer da hämmert! Listen who's hammering!