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  • WIPocalypse 2024 Check-In - April 2024

    blocks 91 - 95
    Today's discussion topic is: "Which designers have you discovered lately?" Not sure that I have discovered any new designers lately. I have found one blackwork designer a year ago: Cliffside Stitches - I have been collecting weekly SAL pdfs from their facebook page , but I haven't stitched anything yet. Been too busy trying to finish up my backlog of WIPs and there is still a huge stash of charts purchased over the…

  • WIPocalypse 2020 Check-In - September 27, 2020

    Love Is... Sept 22
    The topic for this month is: "Are you a seasonal stitcher, or can you stitch on any holiday/seasonal stitch at any time of year?"​ ​I don't consider myself a "seasonal stitcher" in that I stitch whatever appeals to me at the time. However, there are seasonal items which get started (and sometimes finished) ahead of the season when the magazines and charts start appearing on the market for Halloween and Christmas. Both seem to start in September of each year although there are some hints earl…

  • WIPocaplypse for the August Blue Moon

    Week 35 - Sheaf (wheat sheaf) stitch
    WIPocalypse update for August's Blue Moon"! What did I do this past "moon"? Well, there were • the Take a Stitch Tuesday stitches: Cast On stitch, Pekinese Stitch, Linked Double Chain, and sheaf stitch, shown here: along with the completed "page" for August: • The August Stash Buster from Janet Perry • The August Mittens & Mini-Socks form Janet Perry --- both a mitten and a sock • The August Color Through the Ages from Janet Perry • the August parts fo…