Keyword: WIPocalypse

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  • WIPocalypse 2024 Check-In - April 2024

    blocks 91 - 95
    Today's discussion topic is: "Which designers have you discovered lately?" Not sure that I have discovered any new designers lately. I have found one blackwork designer a year ago: Cliffside Stitches - I have been collecting weekly SAL pdfs from their facebook page , but I haven't stitched anything yet. Been too busy trying to finish up my backlog of WIPs and there is still a huge stash of charts purchased over the…

  • WIPocalypse 2024 Check-In - February 25, 2024

    IMG 1875
    Today's discussion topic is: "What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year? SALs form the majority of my stitchery plans this year. Some are long-term WIPs while others began just this year: • Elizabeth Almond's "Save the Stitches", begun in 2014 • "Christmas SAL 2022" by Stitchonomy, begun in 2022 • "Kingdoms of Life" by Stitchonomy, begun in 2023 • "Temperature 2023" by Fox & Rabbit, begun in 2023 • "Royal Gardens" by Fox & Rabbit, begun in 2023…

  • WIPocalypse 2024 Check-In - January 28, 2023

    January 2024
    Today's discussion topic is: "Tell us about the oldest WIP you have in your stash." ​ OK, this one is a toughie because how do I distinguish between WIPs and UFOs? I have a stack of unfinished pieces, mainly needlepoint but also at least one crewel piece and several crazy quilts yet to be quilted. But... On my laptop desktop, I have a file folder labeled "Long-term WIPs" in which I have stored the info for five different pieces. Listed in order from most oldest to most recent starts, th…

  • WIPocalypse 2024 Kick-Off - January 7, 2024

    IMG 1817 (2)
    Today's discussion topic is: "Recap your accomplishments for the year! (Your finishes, your final before/after photos, etc)." I really have little new to post here since I completed my December check-in so I will summarize briefly: 1. My 2023 finishes were "Happiness is Handmade", a Lakeside Needleecraft SAL designed by Durene Jones; the "Halloween Sampler 2023" by Stitchonomy; and the "Charity 2023" SAL by The Steady Thread 2. Since the last post, I have made progres…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - November 26, 2023

    IMG 1773
    This month's discussion topic is: "What is your favorite way to finish ornaments and/or smalls?" I haven't stitched or "finished" any ornaments or smalls in a LONG time --- MOST of what I stitch is medium to large and intended for a frame or some sort of hanging banner. However, when I DID make ornaments, I usually went the way of flat-folds or pillows. ~~~~~WIPs~~~~~ What I stitched on in November: I decoded that I wasn't making a lot of progress in rotational stitching where…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - October 29, 2023

    Fox & Rabbit Temperature 2023
    This month's discussion topic is: "How do you begin planning for the next year with your stitching? Tell us your process." Laughing out loud here because I don't "plan" my stitching. I buy on whim, I star on what feels right at the time, and I stitch - on rotation is there is more than one piece in progress (and there usually is). When a piece is finished, I may select a replacement (which may be a new start or it may be a return to a languishing WIP) for that slot in the rotation or I…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In September 25, 2023 (a day late)

    Temperature 2023
    This month's discussion topic is: "Are you a seasonal stitcher? If so, which seasons do you find yourself more productive or less productive?" Off hand, I'd say: "No, I'm not a 'seasonal' stitcher." if, by what you man as seasonal do I stitch more in winter than summer, etc. I stitch nearly every week of the year on whatever WIPs and new projects I have on hand. If, on the other hand, you mean do I stitch on "seasonal" projects, yes --- in th past four or five years, I've been hooked on…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - August 27, 2023

    IMG 1530
    This month's discussion topic is: "What is your comfort zone regarding the number of projects to have kitted and in progress at any one time?" Right now, I have three pieces in progress. I'm not counting two mostly finished pieces which require extensive beading. Since June of this year, I had four pieces going at once, rotating daily but that was getting to me as they were all SALs and I was/am behind in all of them. I was having real issues in actually stitching any of the four! So in…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - July 30, 2023

    This month's discussion topic is: "Which are your favorite and least favorite fabrics to stitch on?" Favorite is easy - Lugana or Jobelin in either 28 or 32 counts. I tend toward neutrals and white but if a color works with a pattern, I will go with it. Least favorite - AIDA when it's got slippery polyester threads woven in and loosely woven, slub-filled linens. Least favorite color, regardless pf fabric is black... ~~~~~WIPs~~~~~ What I stitched on in July: 1. Fox & Rabbit's…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - June 25, 2023

    Temperature 2023
    This month's discussion topic is: "Half-year recap: How are you doing with your goals so far this year?" In January, here is what I said my goals would be for 2023: a 2023 temperature chart from Fox & Rabbit, which was kitted up and ready to go at the first of the year the 2023 Mystery SAL "Royal Garden" by Fox & Rabbit Two additional projects were put in the queue for this year: Lakeside Needlecraft "Happiness is Handmade" SAL, designed by Durene Jones. Stitchonomy SAL "Kin…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - May 28, 3023

    This month's discussion topic is: "What project brings you the most joy and why?" Not really sure what this means. What brings me joy in stitchery is the process of working a pattern and seeing is come to fruition. There is satisfaction in completion. And happiness if the piece is to be a gift to a close and valued friend. But I can't single out any specific project... ~~~~~WIPs~~~~~ 1. Elizabeth Almond's "Save the Stitches" sampler. Started back in February of 2014! No progress s…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - April 23, 2023

    Fox & Rabbit patreon "Temperature"
    This month's discussion topic is: "Give us five projects in your stash right now that you’d really love to start – and why you haven’t yet." I should be laughing out loud here but there are so many unstarted projects i my stash that it isn't funny! Of the ones listed here recently (and probably the most likely to be started sometime, simply because I'm not really sure what else I have! AAACK!): • a cooperative venture between Nancy Wahler ("Faithwurks") and Sue Hillis Designs…

  • Wipocalypse 2023 Check-In - March 26, 2023

    Temperature chart 2023, March 21
    This month's discussion topic is: "Tell us about your favorite places to buy stitching supplies." Sadly, there are no LNS stores within driving distance of where I live. The closest town (Toledo) has a Hobby Lobby, a Michaels and a Joanne's but I have never found them to be well stocked with stitching supplies (except may a healthy selection of DMC threads) - not worth the 40+ minute drive IMO. SO... I shop online! It has two major drawbacks: you can never be sure of the color of fabri…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - February 26, 2023

    IMG 1286
    This month's discussion topic is: "What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year?" Easy question! The tricky part is how one defies "participation"! Here's a list, starting with long-term WIPs (bordering on UFOs). followed by current SALs, and ending with SALs where I have collected the charts with every intention of starting (but haven't yet)!! 1.There are two long-term SAL/WIPs which have stalled out for one reason or another. I hope (against hope) to get back to them…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - January 28, 2023

    IMG 1234
    This month's discussion topic is: "If you have been to retreats, what are your must-bring items and supplies?" I have attended three two-day paper crafting "retreats" (Simon Says Create in Columbus Ohio), one two-day scrapbooking crop (with a local crafting friends, even though I don't scrapbook!), and three two-day quilt retreats (put on by the guild of which I am webmaster, even though I truly do not quilt) in the past two decades. All within a two hour driving distance of my home. S…

  • WIPocalypse 2023 Check-In - January 8, 2023

    A new year, and time to: "Introduce yourself, your projects, and any goals you have for the year!" Who am I? My name is Carol Harper, although I have used the handle "that yank" more often the past. I am a "Jill" of all crafts and master of none: I paper craft (my papercrafting blog is currently neglected) and embroider (ranging from needlepoint and crewel in the distant past to cross-stitch and blackwork currently) and sometimes quilt (crazy quilting), knit and even bead a little, all of…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-in - December 31, 2022

    IMG 0707
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Recap your accomplishments for the year! (Your finishes, your final before/after photos, etc)." Here goes, starting with my finishes, in order of "finishing": 1. Lakeside Needlecraft "Christmas" SAL 2021. Stitched on white Aida using recommended threads. Started December 26, 2021; finished January 6, 2022:  2. Stitchonomy Christmas 2021 SAL. stitched on ice blue AIDA (not obvious in this photo) in the colors specified (exceptI s…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - July 31, 2022

    Hope & Strength
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "What five patterns do you really want to purchase (or start) right now?" "I don't really need to purchase any more projects... I have enough to outlive me by decades! But there are a few in my stash that I would like to start. The following three are patterns soon-to-be released or already in hand that I intend to begin shortly: • The soon-to-be issued "Autumn Sampler" from Stitchonomy, a companion to the already finished "Wniter Sampler" and…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - June 26, 2022

    Butterfly on Scroll:Dimensions
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "How are you doing with your goals so far this year?" There were some finishes: • Stitchonomy "Christmas SAL 2021", started December 2021, finished January 2022 • Lakeside Needlecraft free "Christmas SAL", started in December 2021, finished January 2022 • Stitchonomy SAL, "Spring 2022", started April 22, finished May 2022 There were two long-term WIPs held over from years previous: • "Hope & Strength" by Glenwo…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - May 29, 2022

    75, 76 and 77
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Retreats and seminars – have you ever been to any stitching events? If so, tell us about them!" I have attended one scrapbooking crop (I do not scrapbook) and three quilting retreats (where I “worked” on piecing together in-progress crazy quilts - three quits the are STILL unfinished!). I have attended three in-person paper crafting events where I did learn a lot of technique, acquired a lot of swag (shopping at paper crafting events is de rigu…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - April 24, 2022

    5. Jasper
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "What is your favorite store (either online or brick and mortar) to purchase your supplies?" This is a hard one because I don't use just one store. And the ones I do use are all online (we don't have any local needlework shops anywhere near around where I live). I like to buy floss from Stoney Creek. I tend to buy fabric from 1-2-3 Stitch and from ABC Stitch Therapy. Recently, I am in two monthly thread clubs and a monthly fabric club at Lakeside…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - March 27, 2022 (a day late)

    March 2022
    A day late... as usual!​ The topic for this month's discussion is: "Tell us about a technique, designer, pattern, or anything else in stitching that you’ve been nervous or afraid to try." Hmm, that's a good one! And I can't say that there is just one. But my primaries, in order of degree of aversion, are : Technique: cut-work/hardanger. I suspect that the cutting is what has put me off... Designer: HAED, hands down. They are so HUGE and so full of confetti stitches. I am so intimidat…

  • WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In

    Save the Stitched by Elizabeth Almond
    In the past, we have used the first post of the year as a preview of our "plans" for the coming year. And, as they say, the best-laid plans, etc. etc. etc. ​A lot of what is written in this post is a small revision of my last check-in, so apologies if it looks familiar. But there are a few, however slight, changes. Let's start with an introduction to me, if you haven't been here before... I'm Carol Harper, AKA thatyank, and I've been stitching since graduate school "way back in the midd…

  • WIPocalypse 2021 Check-In - November 28, 2021

    Save the Stitched by Elizabeth Almond
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "What new discoveries did you have in the stitching world this year?" Can't exactly call this a new stitching discovery because I had heard of Sashiko but... there is apparently a variant called Kogin, which originated in the Aomori Prefecture of Northern Japan. And there is an Elizabeth Almond SAL which, of course I had to purchase! I look forward to tackling a new kind (to me) of embroidery! ~~~~~WIPS~~~~~ I actually DID stitch on my Eliza…

  • WIPocalypse 2021 Check-In: October 31, 2021

    Glendon Place "Hope & Strength"
    The topic for this month's discussion is: Do you prefer Halloween or Christmas stitching? I don't really have an answer for this question. An honest answer would be I don't tend to do holiday-oriented stitching of ANY kind of late. I USED to stitch a lot for both holidays and have a fairly extensive collection of ornaments for both. But, now, I am stitching more SALs than either ornaments or big projects. If there are holiday themes in the SALs I am registered for, then I stitch them.…

  • WIPocalypse September 2021 Check In, a day late - September 27, 2021 9/27/2021

    The topic for this month's discussion is: "List five projects you have unstarted in your stash that you’d like to start something in the (relatively) near future." I have to confess that, in the past year or two, during various Covid lockdowns and restrictions, I have watched a lot of live-streams and floss-tubes and the like and ordered WAY too many charts and kits from International sources (mainly English/UK but also from Germany). I have actually refereneced a few of them in past check…

  • WIPocalypse 2021 Check-In - August 29, 2021

    Roll Your Own Mandala Series
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Which of your project finishes made you the most proud? The most relieved?" To be honest, I have no idea what the answer would be to either of these questions. I'm guessing it would have been one of the many BAPs through the years. Two that come to mind are the "Roll Your Own Mandala" series that I stitched on one BAPiece of fabric as a single project:  This was begun in February, 2014 and completed August, 2016. Since this took two years, it…

  • WIPocalypse 2021 Check-In - July 25, 2021

    The topic for this month's discussion is: "Have you ever attended a stitching retreat? If so, tell us about your experiences." My answer is a qualified yes... I have been to 2 quilting retreats with the guild I am webmaster for and have stitched onboard 3 cruise ships with a cruise director who was tasked with teaching non-stitchers. But these weren't exactly stitching retreats in the sense that I think is being referenced. ~~~~~WIPS~~~~~ I haven't stitched at all on Elizabeth Almond…

  • WIPocalypse 2021 Check-In - June 27, 2021

    Glendon Place "Hope & Strength"
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "How are you doing with your goals so far this year?" I believe I said I was going to "go with the flow", whatever that meant. I had one major WIP/potential UFO in January - Elizabeth Almond's "Save the Stitches" blackwork sampler. I haven't stitched on it at all this year and it is stalled at block 74... I had two mystery SALs in progress: • The Faithwurks/Just Cross Stitch "Quaker Christmas Sampler", with new parts issued at roughly tw…

  • WIPocalypse 2021 Check-In - May 30 2021

    Hope & Strength by Glenwood Place
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "What was the first project you ever stitched? (whether you finished or not)" My answer depends on what kind of stitching you mean! I was in graduate school at University of Florida and was into crewel embroidery at the time. I don't know how I got started on this and I can't remember my first stitched crewel. Meanwhile, a friend had purchased a kit for an eyeglass case with purple pansies in the design to make as a gift for her mother but…

  • WIPocalypse March 2021 Check-In - March 28, 2021

    Hope and Strength by Glendon Place
    The topic for this month's discussion is: "What is your process for working on WIPs? Are you a one-at-a-time stitcher, a rotation stitcher, or something else?" I guess I would have to admit to being a rotation stitcher, although I can't pinpoint the exact time when I switched from being a one-at-a-time stitcher. It may have happened around 2012 when I embarked on a number of on-line challenges like TAST, the Crazy Quilt Journal project and the Bead Journal Project. Cross-stitching became…

  • WIPocalypse February 2021 Check-In and I'm late again...

    IMG 0348
    The topic for discussion this month is: "What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year?" Well, besides this WIPocalypse, I have scaled back this year and only have two (mystery) SALs in progress: 1. The Faithwurks/Just Cross Stitch Christmas Quaker, which now has two parts complete: Part three is due out in the June 2021 issue of Just Cross Stitch magazine, the digital version of which should be available in late April, early May, 2021. ​ 2. The fifth and final SAL…

  • WIPocalypse January 2021 Check-In

    Save teh Stitches, December 27
    I have to catch up with posts for November 2020, December2020, and January 1, 2021 that I couldn't post because of the site being down. I will do those after I get my taxes done! Meanwhile, on with my check-in for January 2021I don't have that much to report so this will be short and sweet(-ish)!

  • WIPocalypse 2020 Check-In - October 25 , 2020

    week 43
    The topic for this month is: "How do you choose what you’re going to stitch on next?" I'm not sure how to answer this, to be honest. This year, I have been working on eliminating WIPs (managed two of the five so far and well into a third) and I tend to choose the WIP that is least onerous to me when I have time to fit it into my stitching schedule. I say "stitching schedule" because this year, I also am participating in four (yes, count 'em, FOUR) Stitchalongs (SALs) which all have d…

  • WIPocalypse 2020 Check-In - September 27, 2020

    Love Is... Sept 22
    The topic for this month is: "Are you a seasonal stitcher, or can you stitch on any holiday/seasonal stitch at any time of year?"​ ​I don't consider myself a "seasonal stitcher" in that I stitch whatever appeals to me at the time. However, there are seasonal items which get started (and sometimes finished) ahead of the season when the magazines and charts start appearing on the market for Halloween and Christmas. Both seem to start in September of each year although there are some hints earl…

  • WIPocalypse 2020 Check-In: August 30, 2020

    August 30
    August's topic for discussion is: "Have you participated in any of the mystery SALs on Facebook (or other social media)? What do you think makes a successful mystery SAL?" ​I am participating in four mystery SALs at present, all of which are supported by facebook groups: "52 weeks of Blackwork" by Peppermint Purple, which has weekly installments throughout the year "A Year of SALs" by Stitchonomy. There are five separate SALs (three now complete), with installments released at 2 day…

  • WIPocalypse 2020 Check-In: July 26, 2020

    Biltmore July 24
    July's topic for discussion is: "What new charts or designers are catching your eye this year?" Given that is my first year back stitching after a long hiatus, a LOT of new (to me) designers have popped up on my radar. Just scrolling through the downloads on my iPad, I find: Online downloads from designers new to me, including: Frau Rosa Stikt!! where I have purchased two patterns: "Strandhauser" and "Durch Das Jahr Mit Frau Rosa" (in German)* Long Dog Samplers were I copped a freeb…

  • WIPocalypse 2020 Check-In - June 28, 2020

    June 28, 2020
    This month's topic for discussion is a half-year recap: " How are you doing with your goals so far this year? " Well, according to my January 1 check-in, my one goal for this year was " start stitching again this year."! And I did just that! But that wasn't all there was to my goals for the year. I had the following WIPs in my stash: Elizabeth Almond's "Save the Stitches" blackwork sampler, started in late February of 2014 and put away in April of 2015​ "Biltmore", a kit I purch…

  • WIPocalypse 2020 Check-In, May 31, 2020

    This month's topic for discussion was: "Tell us about a piece that you absolutely loved stitching." Well, I have to confess that am am not the kind of stitcher that finds the process relaxing, refreshing, empowering or enjoyable! I stitch to occupy my hands, and easily substitute reading or paper crafting for stitchery. I find that stitching can be frustrating - frogging, tangled and/or frayed floss, needing magnification to see where stitches need to be placed - all lead to a lot of swea…

  • WIPocalypse 2020 Check-IN - April 26, 2020

    Block 1
    The topic of the month is: "Talk to us about your longest-running WIP or UFO." ​Well, it all depends on what you want --- WIP? UFO? The project I will talk about has aspects of both. My longest running WIP (I still consider it that since it resides in my work bag in my stitching area and not in the cabinet of long-unfinished pieces) is Elisabeth Almond's "Save the Stitches" blackwork sampler; I started it February 24, 2014: and last worked on it April 9, 2015: It is stitched in…